Why the disregard #NovaScotia Premier #TimHouston? Why the rush to destroy incredible #Wetland and #MatureForest? Private Profits rather than public places is always #1 with #CorporateCaptured governments.
#ProtectEisnerWetland's latest press release; FOIPOP and notes: https://eco-action.ca/include/protect-eisner-wetland.htm
#novascotia #timhouston #wetland #matureforest #CorporateCaptured #ProtectEisnerWetland
"[#NewBrunswick] Government officials misled the public about the “mysterious” New Brunswick neurological disease, and we have the documents to prove it
Here are the 10 biggest takeaways after pouring over thousands of pages of internal government documents obtained through access to information"
#PublicHeath #BackroomDeals #CorporateCaptured
#newbrunswick #publicheath #backroomdeals #CorporateCaptured
Write Canada's Agriculture Minister today - demand mandatory transparency of all GMOs. Don't accept corporate proposals for "voluntary transparency." Your letter will also be sent to agriculture critics from the opposition parties.
#Canada is #CorporateCaptured
#Health #Canada downplayed scientific concerns about risks of toxic #pesticide that causes birth defects. That's because @GovCanHealth is #CorporateCaptured. It cares most about the health of industry profits. #BanGlyphosate
#health #canada #pesticide #CorporateCaptured #banglyphosate
@kevinrns Of course we must stop. Tragically, the #CorporateCaptured politicians including, in #NovaScotia, Premier Tim Houston; Minister of Natural Resources (to be cut down) Tory Rushton and Minister of #Environment AND #ClimateChange (fueling) Timothy Halman along with #Canada Minister of Environment (former activist) Steven Guilbeault simply Don't Care.
#CorporateCaptured #novascotia #environment #climatechange #canada
Cape Breton's Donkin Coal Mine fined for safety violations after fall re-opening. Mine operator Kameron Coal issued fines after unqualified employee performed electrical work
#businessasusual #CorporateCaptured #novascotia
#Clearcutting in #NovaScotia brought to us by the #CorporateCaptured @NS_DNRR + Minister @ToryRushton.
Visit the harvest map here: nsgi.novascotia.ca/hpmv/
Sign up for map update notifications here: http://novascotia.ca/.../fibre-allocation/map-signup.asp
#ClearCutting #novascotia #CorporateCaptured #stopclearcuttingnow #NoPlanetB
Fine issued to Trans Mountain pipeline for harming birds reduced from $88K to $4K - #FingerWagging by #CorporateCaptured reviewers.
"In this project—which is expected to cost $21.4 billion—a $4,000 fine is nothing but a slap on the wrist (equating to less than 0.00002% of their projected expenses)" - Sierra Club Atlantic
#BritishColumbia #Pipeline #Environment
#fingerwagging #CorporateCaptured #britishcolumbia #pipeline #environment
@Lorraine governments know better. but they're #CorporateCaptured and by golly they love a loophole or fraudulent accounting. Rage is appropriate.
@gdjp because the #CorporateCaptured NS Dept of Natural Resource-Squandering doesn't wanna?
Nothing to Swagger About:
Nova Scotia's #CorporateCaptured, #Environment-Squandering + #ClimateChange-Fueling Department has renewed the industrial licence for Cape Breton's Donkin coal mine.
#CorporateCaptured #environment #climatechange