Cops shutting down an outlet in the ?

Maybe we should for the rights of all including , still in prison for helping reveal and abuses of power?

A stark reminder that using anonymising systems like and is vital in delivering in today's age of and .

Also .

#independentNews #usa #protest #journalists #julianassange #warcrimes #i2p #tor #news #masssurveillance #CorporateTotalitarianism #AllCopsAreBad #kansas #lawfare #acab #police #violence #repression

Last updated 1 year ago

If you were would you do it while wearing a ?

Its an honest question but we don't even know if its worth answering.

On the one hand you'd think a mask is good but on the other maybe its time to take ownership and be seen/counted.

One interesting factoid, on a right-wing, partisan publication the few people holding up "" signs in a photo of a small crowd were all wearing the same .

#protesting #CorporateTotalitarianism #mask #saveCuba #blackMask

Last updated 3 years ago

There are a whole host of issues.

Capitalism and socialism are just ways of allocating resources and both have issues though we have gone so far towards that the latter is almost impossible.

Air quality issues that can arguably be somewhat mitigated by , but the energy needs to come from outside as the ratio of to available energy is off-balance in .


#renewables #energyuse #bigCities #CorporateTotalitarianism

Last updated 3 years ago

Quite simply, is and thus .

We strongly believe that any govt institution that uses them is aiding and abetting a process of (aka ).

Its that serious… and yes, add it to the long list.


#amazon #tooBigToCare #tooBigToExist #CorporateTotalitarianism #fascism #OpenHardwareNow

Last updated 4 years ago

Do we think the and are too big and melding together a bit too quickly?

No answer necessary, just pondering ourselves.

#techgiants #nations #CorporateTotalitarianism #neoFascism

Last updated 4 years ago

> "We have a lot to offer the world, like our …"

Yes, it was surely economical for (now ) to covertly dump causing substances into waterways, the of .

The same that is now linked to perverting the in the in the of the lawyer, , who successfully won the $10b case.

#economics #Texaco #Chevron #cancer #poisoning #nativepeople #ecuador #corporation #judicalSystem #usa #persecution #humanrights #StevenDonziger #Economical #CorporateTotalitarianism #plunder #afghanistan #GetOut #MICIMATT

Last updated 4 years ago

The original article shared above spoke poorly of RT.

That's why we started talking about it in brackets.

The above is a good video. Why these people don't use , or simply is an oversight.

We will need to watch the other four in the series.

The film, (2013) does a great job.

Also by filmmaker , highlights how the citizen was manipulated into a using various…1/2

#CorporateTotalitarianism #corporatefascism #corporatism #obey #TheCenturyOfTheSelf #adamcurtis #consumer

Last updated 4 years ago

Yes, we've noticed this. They seem ideologically driven by the and thinking, which leads them toward (we can limit the use of new-speak; words like 'neoLiberalism'. 'Corporatism' is a more direct word to describe it).

And is , yes.

They can't fathom that govt is , and that it can do good if it's not dictated to and controlled by corporate and vested interests, and rentseekers.

#ChristianRight #AynRandian #corporatism #CorporateTotalitarianism #fascism #thePeople

Last updated 4 years ago