LIVE CPSO council!
Trudeau calls Canadian intel service “Racist” for materials that may indicate the Chinese communists bought Trudeau and influenced the election
It looks like Trudeau has made the same mistake that Trump, Nixon and Eisenhower all did, except
#China #CorruptCanadianLeftists #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada
#ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #CorruptCanadianLeftists #China
A tutorial showing how the government of Canada lies about the safety of the vaxx by misrepresenting real numbers
This is not easy to follow. Hopefully I will get a chance to do an interview with an involved party at some point soon. But the bottom line here is that the government of Canada included sta
#CorruptCanadianLeftists #vaccines
#vaccines #CorruptCanadianLeftists
The CPSO has investigated itself and found itself not guilty
A few months ago, some readers of this web site might remember that we posted a live broadcast of a lawyer representing three doctors against the now fully captured, "College of Surgeons and Physicians of Ontario".
The college made a link to the Zoom available but got so overwhelmed with reque
#CorruptCanadianLeftists #Ontario
#Ontario #CorruptCanadianLeftists
Christine speaks on her documentary about the “People’s Commission on the Occupation”
Last week, we posted a short documentary about a far left extremist attempt to smear the Freedom Convoy, and for less than noble reasons. After its release, the main creator of the short documentary, Christine, was asked to be a guest on
#CorruptCanadianLeftists #Truckerprotest
#Truckerprotest #CorruptCanadianLeftists
LIVESTREAM Ontario College tribunal hearing 9:00 AM ET Nov 23 2022
This is the hearing discussed in this RAIR article
#CorruptCanadianLeftists #Covidmeasures #Massiveconspiracy
#Massiveconspiracy #Covidmeasures #CorruptCanadianLeftists
Canada is very close to taking control of private citizen’s right to speech on the Internet via C-11 WATCH
The "Heritage" minister in that NewSpeak way, is testifying before the Senate Committee tomorrow, November 22, 2
#CorruptCanadianLeftists #freedomofspeech #Socialmedia
#Socialmedia #freedomofspeech #CorruptCanadianLeftists
Raging Dissident, Jeremy MacKenzie testimony from EMA hearings of November 4th, 2022
For those who don't know, Jeremy used to have a great podcast as The Raging Dissident, I think principally on Bitchute, or people moved his videos there, in which he ranted very entertainingly about the state o
#CorruptCanadianLeftists #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #Truckerprotest
#Truckerprotest #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #CorruptCanadianLeftists
Those who have seen this may want to skip it. But for anyone who has not, this has to be mandatory viewing. This is Senate hearings on Gain of Function research. This is ear scorching stuff and yes, this site has posted this video a couple of times already. But as I go over the content, again, it seems like the sort of material that the public must be aware of, and wil
#CorruptCanadianLeftists #corruptUSleftists #Science #WuhanFlu-Corona2019
#WuhanFlu #Science #corruptUSleftists #CorruptCanadianLeftists
The Proud Boys were framed by two governments
THEY ALL LIED AND WE HAVE PROOF! Highly Sensitive DOJ Jan 6. Documents Leaked to The Gateway Pundit – FBI Confidential Human Source INFILTRATED Proud Boys, Ran FBI Operation on J-6, Reported They Were INNOCENT! — See Texts and Documents IN FULL!!
#CorruptCanadianLeftists #corruptUSleftists #ProudBoys #Selectiveenforcement #Stupidcommietricks #WesternHypocrisy
#WesternHypocrisy #Stupidcommietricks #Selectiveenforcement #ProudBoys #corruptUSleftists #CorruptCanadianLeftists
North America’s fascist meter just went up several notches
(Watch to very end)
#CorruptCanadianLeftists #corruptUSleftists #freedomofspeech #Gallopingstatism #vaccines
#vaccines #Gallopingstatism #freedomofspeech #corruptUSleftists #CorruptCanadianLeftists
One level of Canadian government or another bakes up some fresh charges for Pastor Artur Pawlowski
#Canada #Canadianleftisttotalitarianism #CorruptCanadianLeftists #LeftistactionsinCanada
#LeftistactionsinCanada #CorruptCanadianLeftists #Canadianleftisttotalitarianism #Canada
Short update on Quebec and Ontario partial reversal of vaxx mandates for health care workers
This is my understanding at the moment, after talking to a few people including a doctor at an Ottawa Hospital.
The Quebec policy change is a real partial win. They have clearly stated they will no
#CorruptCanadianLeftists #Covidmeasures #Ontario #Quebec #vaccines
#vaccines #Quebec #Ontario #Covidmeasures #CorruptCanadianLeftists
CBC: No vaxx mandates for the ministry of truth
From True North News:
CBC and its French-language counterpart Radio-Canada are not currently requiring mandatory vaccinations from its employees and staff.
CBC Director of Media Relations and Issues Management Leon Mar told True North that, as it stands
#CBC #CorruptCanadianLeftists #Selectiveenforcement #Socialism #Stupidcommietricks #WesternHypocrisy
#WesternHypocrisy #Stupidcommietricks #Socialism #Selectiveenforcement #CorruptCanadianLeftists #CBC