Remember this when the government tell us about the “difficult decisions” they had to make to balance to books they cooked, whilst you shiver in your home knowing you’re paying for the Tories to party.
#toryparties #torysewageparty #costoftorycrisis #costoflivingcrises #torycostofgreedcrisis #costofGREEDcrisis
#toryparties #TorySewageParty #CostOfToryCrisis #costoflivingcrises #ToryCostOfGreedCrisis #costofGREEDcrisis
So apparently you need to use lots of #Hastags to be seen and interact on this site. Not sure how that works so here goes things I like or am interested in #knitter #cook #CostOfToryCrisis #pup #austerity #scotland #film #music #retired #volunteer #CHS #politics #holidays #movies #news #books #reading
#Hastags #knitter #cook #CostOfToryCrisis #pup #austerity #scotland #film #music #retired #volunteer #chs #politics #holidays #movies #news #books #reading
Tories 3 months ago: “Woohooooooo tax cuts”
Tories today: “woohooooo spending cuts and tax RISES!”
Do they even stand for anything? I used to think people had been gaslit by Tories, now I’m even surer than ever you have to be a genuinely nasty person to be a Tory.
#generalelectionnow #budget2022 #autumnstatement #jeremyhunt #toriesout #torycorruption #costoflivingcrisis #CostOfToryCrisis
#GeneralElectionNow #Budget2022 #autumnstatement #jeremyhunt #ToriesOut #ToryCorruption #Costoflivingcrisis #CostOfToryCrisis