Alassane Ouattara a précisé que la #CôtedIvoire fournirait « un bataillon » de 850 à 1 100 hommes, aux côtés du #Nigeria et du #Bénin notamment, et que « d’autres pays » les rejoindront.
« Les putschistes peuvent décider de partir dès demain matin et il n’y aura pas d’intervention militaire, tout dépend d’eux », a-t-il martelé.
#Niger #CotedIvoire #Nigeria #Benin
Affaire des Libanais arrêtés en Côte d’Ivoire : qui est Abbas Badreddine ? – #Lebanon #CotedIvoire L’arrestation d’Abbas Badreddine, le patron de Plastica, entreprise leader du secteur de la plasturgie en Afrique de l’Ouest implantée à #Abidjan, n’en finit plus d’alimenter les conversations et de soulever de nombreuses questions. @lebanon
#lebanon #CotedIvoire #Abidjan
Your #chocolate comes with a side order of #deforestation
#Cocoa #farmers in #Ghana and #CoteDIvoire make less than a dollar a day. And there are almost 2 million of them; the two countries are the world’s largest cocoa producers, supplying two-thirds of the global supply. Cocoa here is directly responsible for almost 40% of deforestation in protected areas—about 1.5 million hectares of #forest gone since just 2000!
#chocolate #deforestation #cocoa #farmers #ghana #CotedIvoire #forest
#poivre bio de Tiassalé #CotedIvoire
Les 46 soldats ivoiriens détenus au #Mali ont été condamnés à 20 ans de prison vendredi soir #RFI #CotedIvoire
Fady Dagher, who was named Thursday as the head of the Montreal police service, says he wants police in the city to operate with humility and to be better informed about immigration issues.
#Liban #afrique
Fast Dagher est libanais, né en #cotedivoire il dirige désormais la police de #Montreal
#Liban #afrique #CotedIvoire #montreal
I'm a #histodon from #Canada and a Research Fellow at Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient (#ZMO) in #Berlin.
My research has focused on Islamic activism among youth and women, and Muslim politics in #CotedIvoire, #BurkinaFaso, #Benin, and #Togo.
I'm currently working on a book manuscript on the history of religious activism on campuses in Togo and Benin.
I'm also interested in#DigitalHumanities and #DigitalHistory. Using #Omeka, I created an open-access digital #database now containing more than 2900 documents and 250 bibliographical references related to #Islam in Burkina Faso.
#islam #database #Omeka #digitalhistory #Togo #Benin #BurkinaFaso #CotedIvoire #berlin #ZMO #canada #histodon #introduction
This week we featured research on agricultural training for couples, privatisation & workers' wages, and tax planning vs tax enforcement - https://voxdev.org.
Here are some key takeaways:
- Women’s inclusion in training, farm management and planning boosts agricultural production efficiency in #cotedivoire
- When SOEs in #Brazil were privatised their employees’ wages fell dramatically
- #Chile’s OECD-aligned tax reform did not shift transfer pricing behaviour or increase tax revenues.