Counter-Strike 2 now lets you undo buy menu purchases, ending an era of embarrassing mistakes - #Counter-Strike:GlobalOffensive #HiddenPathEntertainment #MultiplayerCompetitive #MicrosoftStudios #ValveCorporation #Counter-Strike2 #Counter-Strike #Firstperson #Microsoft #Shooter #Xbox360 #Valve #Xbox #PS3 #Mac #PC
#pc #mac #ps3 #xbox #valve #xbox360 #shooter #microsoft #firstperson #valvecorporation #microsoftstudios #multiplayercompetitive #hiddenpathentertainment #Counter
A secret CS:GO bunker is sharing newspaper reports on the war in Ukraine to dodge Russian censorship - #Counter-Strike:GlobalOffensive #HiddenPathEntertainment #MultiplayerCompetitive #ValveCorporation #Firstperson #Shooter #Xbox360 #Valve #Mac #PS3 #PC
#pc #ps3 #mac #valve #xbox360 #shooter #firstperson #valvecorporation #multiplayercompetitive #hiddenpathentertainment #Counter
Counter-Strike's Dust2 is now in Alien: Isolation, thanks to new mod tools - #MultiplayerCompetitive #TheCreativeAssembly #ValveCorporation #MicrosoftStudios #CreativeAssembly #Alien:Isolation #ActionAdventure #NintendoSwitch #Counter-Strike #SinglePlayer #Firstperson #Microsoft #Modtools #Shooter #Android #Xbox360 #XboxOne #Valve #Xbox #SEGA #Mods #PS4 #PS3 #iOS #PC
#pc #ios #ps3 #ps4 #mods #sega #xbox #valve #xboxone #xbox360 #android #shooter #modtools #microsoft #firstperson #singleplayer #Counter #nintendoswitch #ActionAdventure #alien #creativeassembly #microsoftstudios #valvecorporation #thecreativeassembly #multiplayercompetitive
Bingeing CS:GO won't get you into Counter-Strike 2's test faster, Valve say - #Counter-Strike:GlobalOffensive #Counter-Strike2 #Free-to-play #Shooter #Social #Valve
#valve #social #shooter #free #Counter
Counter-Strike 2 is real, coming this summer, and in limited access right now - #Counter-Strike2 #Counter-Strike #Free-to-play #Shooter #Social #Valve
#valve #social #shooter #free #Counter
There are new rumours Counter-Strike 2 could launch this month with a beta - #Counter-Strike:GlobalOffensive #Counter-Strike #Free-to-play #Simulation #Shooter #Valve
#valve #shooter #simulation #free #Counter
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is more popular now than it has ever been - #Counter-Strike:GlobalOffensive #Blockbuster #Shooter #Valve
#valve #shooter #blockbuster #Counter
The Counter-Strike: Source map that led to Left 4 Dead leaked, and you can play it - #Counter-Strike:Source #TurtleRockStudios #ScienceFiction #Left4Dead #Shooter #Horror #Leaks #Valve
#valve #leaks #horror #shooter #left4dead #sciencefiction #turtlerockstudios #Counter
Brazil: Not January 6th, Sri Lanaka
Brazilians not accepting a stolen election and a communist leader installed, storm the Presidential Palace like Sri Lanka. (MSM of course claims it's like Jan 6 in DC.)
(Stunning lies about Jan 6 and the comparison. This is more like Sri Lanka.)
The Independent:
#Brazil #Counter-revolution #Westfightsback
#Westfightsback #Counter #Brazil
Counter-Strike just nerfed two of its most popular guns - #Counter-Strike:GlobalOffensive #Blockbuster #Shooter #Valve
#valve #shooter #blockbuster #Counter
I have a forthcoming book: Talking Back to the West: How Turkey Uses Muslim Identity Politics to Challenge the International Order and Siilence its Critics. It examines Turkey’s expanding #globalcommunication apparatus, its #politicaleconomy, goals and strategies. Instead of solely analyzing the government-backed #communication ventures as tools of #publicdiplomacy, it pays attention to how an #authoritarian non-Western actor can exploits #post-colonial criticism and #counter-hegemony to
#globalcommunication #politicaleconomy #communication #publicdiplomacy #authoritarian #post #Counter
#Introduction Luke Collison, studied #philosophy at #CRMEP Current teaching a little #PoliticalPhilosophy at University of Cologne. Research interests:
#ThePolitical in the post-#CarlSchmitt sense,
#introduction #philosophy #CRMEP #politicalphilosophy #ThePolitical #CarlSchmitt #politicaltheology #Katechon #GeorgesSorel #MichelFoucault #infrastructure #Counter #CriticalInfrastructureStudies #energyhumanities #InstitutionTheory #JoachimRitter #PhilosophicalAnthropology #ErnstWolfgangBöckenförde
Have You Played... Counter-Strike: Global Offensive? - #Counter-Strike:GlobalOffensive #HaveYouPlayed #FPS/Shooter #Valve
#Counter #haveyouplayed #fps #valve
This Twitter bot tours Half-Life skyboxes to brighten up your timeline - #Counter-Strike #FPS/Shooter #DayofDefeat #Half-Life #Twitter
#Counter #fps #DayofDefeat #Half #twitter
Doctor makes extreme claims about ambitions of those behind the gene-therapy shots
In the spirit of, 'at this point I will listen to anything and dismiss nothing out of hand' here is quite an interesting video. Although this woman has had the same message for many years now, from what I hear, since 2009 on Alex Jones. B
#Counter-revolution #Massiveconspiracy #vaccines
#vaccines #Massiveconspiracy #Counter
What's better: romance, or de_dust2? - #What'sthebestthinginvideogames? #Counter-Strike:GlobalOffensive #Counter-Strike:Source #Counter-Strike #Blockbuster #FPS/Shooter #Indie #love
#what #Counter #blockbuster #fps #indie #love
Trucker freedom protest for Sunday, January 30, 2022
Please make sure to click over to RAIR for some of our videos, photos and interviews from yesterday which are up now!
#CBC #Counter-revolution #Truckerprotest
Trucker convoy to Ottawa news for January 25, 2022
This post will be updated all day today here, and in the comments. Please check back regularly to see the progress and scope of this historic event
#Canada #Counter-revolution #Covidmeasures #vaccines
#vaccines #Covidmeasures #Counter #Canada
Détente : Compilation de kills sur CS:GO
Pour changer un peu de l'informatique, et parce que je joue un peu de temps à autre, je vous poste une petite vidéo d'une compilation de kills que j'ai réalisés sur Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.
A bientôt. :)
Valve are updating Half-Life and more for Steam Deck - #Counter-Strike:GlobalOffensive #Left4Dead2 #Half-Life #SteamDeck #Valve #FPS
#Counter #Left4Dead2 #Half #SteamDeck #valve #fps