Finally #YouTube realized that #Xbox360 Boards codenamed #Corona are not related to #Covid and thus stopped adding their obnoxious attempts of #CounterSpeech below the video...
#Counterspeech #COVID #Corona #xbox360 #YouTube
@heatherhorns friendly reminder: #Counterspeech doesn't work unless you want to legitimize someone's claims as arguments.
#PunchNazis instead cuz that works!
@tknarr THIS is ejy I'd say that #ChatGPT isn't going to reduce workloads, but increasing them since now people have to waste their precious time and energy to debunk automatically-generated bullshit instead of handcrafted bullshit.
I hope that this will get naive & useful idiots to understand that "#CounterSpeech" doesn't work per concept and that automated #shitposting of #ShallowFakes are a Problem.
#shallowfakes #shitposting #Counterspeech #chatgpt
Yeah, #Misinformation works and #Counterspeech doesn't!
#Counterspeech #misinformation
@melsdung dass das Unsinn ist braucht keinerlei #Counterspeech sondern ist jenen #Coronaleugnern und #Maskenverweigerern vollkommen bekannt...
#Maskenverweigerern #Coronaleugnern #Counterspeech