What was suppose to be a quick morning trip to the blueberry apiary to pick a few buckets of berries and support our local farm turned into a 5 hour slog. It involved them not taking interact, out-of-order ATMs, massive road construction delays, long drive, more road construction delays, 2 trips across a small ferry and back.. But still, worth it to support local food producers. I'm hot and tired now, got nothing else done. Tea time. In future, I think I'm going to just use more cash.

#localfood #CountryLife #SmallFarms #apiary

Last updated 1 year ago

Mr. Mustache · @mstrmustache
177 followers · 1138 posts · Server kolektiva.social

I just spent 10mins arguing with my giant dog about whether he needed to break through the fence. (For reference we live in a very rural area in the US southeast and my dog is of a couple of breeds known for their independence and loving protection of flocks and family so he is an absolute idiot about anything entering the inner fence line uninvited)

He KNEW that he needed to destroy the immediate threat, and I couldn't help him understand that that PARTICULAR box turtle is NOT of the ninja variety and should be left in peace.

#CountryLife #DogLife

Last updated 1 year ago

I live in the country. People all around this area are spring-busy. Buying and selling chicks, who's got the best egg colours, cutest flocks, most majestic rooters.. Buying and selling manure and compost, who has the best price, screened or mixed, organic or no-spray...

Buying and selling seeds, seedlings, plant starts. Garden plans, garden plots, farm yard, pasture, paddock... Beekeepers meeting, who's bees survived, what were the winter wraps, is it time for feeding yet... Who's selling lambs, piglets, calves.

The community supported agriculture is starting again, get on the email list, get on the route... Root cellars are emptying, wood piles are low, time to check the fences and do the repairs.

This life is hard, busy, constant work and aching backs. No one is wealthy, everyone is rich tho. I wouldn't give it up for anything.

#homesteading #CountryLife #prepping #selfreliance #gardening #backyard #Community #greenhouse #csa

Last updated 2 years ago