Today the Moon 🌖 is in Aries ♈️, helping us find our courage! 💪🏽
Where do you need to:
✨ take risks ❤️🔥
✨ try new things 🤺
✨ take action toward your goals 🎯
The world needs your voice. 📣
It's time to take a step forward. 🚶🏽♀️
What have you got to lose? 🥰
More in this video
#astrology #AstroVibe #AstrologyHeals #AriesMoon #action #courage
#astrology #astrovibe #astrologyheals #ariesmoon #action #Courage
A quotation from Richter, Jean-Paul:
A timid person is frightened before a danger, a coward during the time, and a courageous person afterward.
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #anxiety #bravery #courage #cowardice #danger #fear #timidity
#quote #quotes #quotation #anxiety #bravery #Courage #cowardice #danger #fear #timidity
Business values provide the compass for our journey, ensuring unwavering (1) quality, (2) respect, (3) courage, (4) integrity, and (5) focus. They create the foundation for trust, growth, and a purpose-driven path to success.
We will have some more on this tomorrow. Watch out for more!
#business #businessvalues #smallbusiness #businessgrowth #success #quality #respect #courage #integrity #focus #microscopy #science #art #sciArt
#business #businessvalues #smallbusiness #businessgrowth #success #quality #respect #Courage #integrity #focus #microscopy #Science #art #sciart
Non-scientists convince themselves they didn't see something because it would force them to change their beliefs.
Bad scientists convince themselves they saw something that they did not because it confirms a belief that they hope to prove.
Good scientists seek to confirm what they see, and if it forces them to change their beliefs, they have the #courage to do it.
Are you a 'good #scientist ‘?
“I can shake off everything as I #write; my sorrows disappear, my #courage is reborn."
— #AnneFrank
A quotation from Nachman of Breslov:
All the world is a very narrow bridge, and the most important thing is not to be overwhelmed by fear.
[כל העולם כולו גשר צר מאוד, והעיקר – לא לפחד כלל.]
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#quote #quotes #quotation #courage #danger #fear #fearlessness #height #life #peril
#quote #quotes #quotation #Courage #danger #fear #fearlessness #height #life #PERIL
A quotation from Gracián, Baltasar:
There is more valour needed not to take up the affair of honor than to conquer in it. When there is one fool ready for the occasion, one may excuse oneself from being the second.
[Estima por más valor el no empeñarse que el vencer. y ya que haya un necio ocasionado, escusa que con él no sean dos.]
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#quote #quotes #quotation #avoidance #courage #danger #discretion
#quote #quotes #quotation #avoidance #Courage #danger #discretion
Another Fourth's Perspective:
The Slaveholders’ Rebellion
by Frederick Douglass
July 04, 1862
the opportunity of the present. If now we omit the duty it imposes, steel our hearts against its teachings, or shrink in cowardice from the work of to-day your fathers will have fought and bled in vain to establish free Institutions, and American Republicanism will become a hissing and a by-word to a mocking earth
A quotation from Austen, Jane:
A vast deal may be done by those who dare to act.
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#quote #quotes #quotation #accomplisment #action #boldness #courage #daring #success
#quote #quotes #quotation #accomplisment #action #boldness #Courage #daring #success
As the Moon 🌘 moves from action-oriented Aries ♈ into maintenance-oriented Taurus ♉...
we get to see how taking ACTION 🏃🏽♀️ is important to bring about RESULTS 🎁.
What will the results be? 🤔
We don't always know, but --
we can't manifest healing and change...
if we don't try. 🤷🏽♀️
What actions do you need to take to get more results in your life? 💖
More in this video!
#astrology #AstroVibe #AstrologyHeals #AriesMoon #TaurusMoon #courage
#astrology #astrovibe #astrologyheals #ariesmoon #taurusmoon #Courage
A quotation from Dante Alighieri:
Therefore, rise. Force your breath, restore it
By that spirit which wins in every battle it fights,
Unless the beaten body says, “no more!”
[E però leva sù; vinci l’ambascia
l’animo che vince ogne battaglia,
col suo grave corpo non s’accascia.]
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #body #courage #encouragement #persistence #soul #spirit #struggle
#quote #quotes #quotation #body #Courage #encouragement #persistence #soul #spirit #struggle
#strength #knowledge #beauty #courage
#blackwomen #Love #pride #education #family
This is what I see in this womans face.
#strength #knowledge #beauty #Courage #blackwomen #love #pride #education #family
#TaylorSwift #Courage #conviction Watch this:
#taylorswift #Courage #conviction Come ... learn by example. Leave the dying empire of lies behind. seek the land of Truth. #Family #Autarky #Freedom #respect #honor #dignity #loyalty #duty #right #frugality #dedication #courage
#family #autarky #freedom #respect #Honor #dignity #loyalty #duty #right #frugality #dedication #Courage
The #vulnerability thing is huge. I just don’t do it. I go to great lengths and wear many different types or armour to protect myself from it. I just don’t. do. it.
But I’m coming to the realisation that vulnerability is not #weakness, and by actively avoiding it, I’m closing the door on many different opportunities that have the potential to bring huge amounts of joy and love into my life.
Leaning into vulnerability isn’t a sign of weakness, it actually takes a great amount of #courage.
#vulnerability #weakness #Courage
In this picture, we see a young girl standing alone in a peaceful forest, dressed in a scout uniform with a backpack on her shoulders. She appears to be completely at ease and unafraid, surrounded by the beauty and tranquility of nature.
The forest is dense and green, with a beautiful light mood filtering through the leaves to create a serene and calming atmosphere.
#ScoutGirl #Forest #Peaceful #Tranquility #Nature #Beauty #SelfReliance #Courage #Exploration #Wilderness #Serene #Moss #Trees
#scoutgirl #forest #peaceful #tranquility #nature #beauty #selfreliance #Courage #exploration #wilderness #Serene #moss #trees
And I agree with this wholeheartedly. “Commit a random act of bravery every day. At some point every day, there will be an opportunity where you can step outside your comfort zone … I like to think of bravery as a muscle that needs exercise to become strong.”
#Courage #journalism #womeninsports #books #audiobooks #reading
#books #audiobooks #reading #Courage #journalism #womeninsports
Just for #fun #staues #fountain #nuernberg #germany #travelphotography The "Fountain of #virtue dates back to the #renaissance in 1589. Six virtues (#faith, #love, #hope, #courage, #moderation, and #patience) embody their trait as chubby cherubs are caught in flight overhead. #photo from 2014.
#fun #staues #fountain #nuernberg #germany #travelphotography #virtue #renaissance #faith #love #hope #Courage #moderation #patience #photo