Best een leuk artikel, als je van lifestyletips houdt. #CourtneyLove
All of #CourtneyLove's name-drops in her WTF interview with
(tl;dr: 108 names)
The 6 books in my ‘Art Decades’ series
#1 Vinyl Collecting
#2 Keith Haring's NYC nightlife
#3 Courtney Love in Liverpool, 1982
#4 Sylvia Plath alone in Paris, 1956
#5 Acid, the Angry Brigade, the End of the Sixties
#6 What happened to Cressa
#7 Published April 2023
#VinylCollecting #KeithHaring #CourtneyLove #SylviaPlath #Acid #TheAngryBrigade
#theangrybrigade #acid #SylviaPlath #CourtneyLove #keithharing #vinylcollecting