Rita Singer · @_bydbach_
136 followers · 499 posts · Server hcommons.social

"Romantic Pursuits? Rethinking Courtship in Georgian Wales" by Angela Joy Muir.

Existing histories of in the long eighteenth century typically focus on it as a step on the road to marriage [rarely] consider the immediate risks for unmarried women associated with courtship customs that allow or encourage premarital sex. Historians of sexual violence have identified these risks, but they rarely feature in histories of courtship. Using records from the Court of Great Sessions, this article explores the limited but tangible evidence of conjugal courtship customs in , often referred to as ‘bundling’ or ‘courtship at night’. It then interrogates records of and sexual associated with courtship to examine the blurred lines between rape and seduction, which in Wales were further complicated by courtship practices that created additional vulnerabilities for women.

@histodons @historikerinnen tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.10

#Courtship #Georgian #Wales #murder #assault #femicide #histodons

Last updated 1 year ago

Jill Orme · @OrmeJks
982 followers · 774 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk
Adara Astin · @AdaraAstin
277 followers · 818 posts · Server smutlandia.com

When was the last time you wrote someone a poem? When was the last time someone wrote a poem for you?

I feel like we live in an age when the seductive power of poetry is sadly underutilized.

I'd love to be proved wrong. 😉

#Seduction #Courtship #romance #poetry #poems #poets #Writing #writers

Last updated 2 years ago