Heute hatte #COVID19 Azubi 1 von 2 seinen ersten Schnuppertag bei uns. Da merkt man erstmal wie anstrengend es ist den ganzen Tag zu reden. Er hat jetzt mal einen Überblick was wir so alles tun und hat tatsächlich noch Lust auf eine #Ausbildung #2023 bei uns 😂
RT @europechinese@twitter.com
英國1月5日起中國航班 #COVID19 檢疫措施:
* 登機前2天內檢測
* 入境人士抽樣檢測
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/europechinese/status/1608947487351635968
網易新聞的 2022 legacy Recap 現在已經在中國被封NetEase News's 2022 legacy Recap which now has been 404ed in China
#CCP #共產黨 #CCPChina #中國 #China #Chinazi #民族主義 #疫情 #新冠肺炎 #covid19
source: https://twitter.com/hashtag/TheGreatTranslationMovement?src=hashtag_click
#Covid19 #新冠肺炎 #疫情 #民族主義 #chinazi #china #中國 #CCPChina #共產黨 #ccp
I always quit going to the gym in January and resume in March. It just happens that, at the moment, "January" was 3 years ago now. #covid19 #gym #resolutions
I haven't stopped 😷 , but obvs most ppl have and prolly few are aware that Pima County Dept of Health is now saying to mask in indoor spaces with other ppl.
RT @EckerleIsabella@twitter.com
Service-Tweet: 1) #SARSCoV2 Impfung schützt vor schwerem #COVID19, aber nicht vor Infektion. 2) Infektion ist auch mit Impfung mit Risiken verbunden (z.B. Longcovid, chronische Schäden). 3) Gegen Coronaviren bildet man keine schützende Immunität aus, regelmäßige Reinfektionen
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/EckerleIsabella/status/1541593046021771265
RT @arnauldmiguet@twitter.com
Only in #China #airport #Covid19 @francetvchine@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/arnauldmiguet/status/1525337754497781760
說不定真的能在五天之內打贏 #Covid19 耶 :ablobblewobble: :ablobblewobble: :ablobblewobble:
RT @MatthiasM__@twitter.com
Nochmal ein Hinweis an alle #Eltern, deren Kinder gerade ein positiven PCR Test unterm Weihnachtsbaum finden und sich in Schule oder KiTa mit #COVID19 angesteckt haben. Oder die Betroffene Eltern kennen. Meldet es als #Schulunfall an die entsprechende #Unfallkasse. Gerne RT.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MatthiasM__/status/1474306048278384663
#eltern #Covid19 #Schulunfall #Unfallkasse
"The tragedy is that in this devastatingly poor country, as a 2016 Lancet study shows, 78% of the healthcare in urban areas and 71% in rural areas is now handled by the private sector. The resources that remain in the public sector are systematically siphoned into the private sector by a nexus of corrupt administrators and medical practitioners, corrupt referrals and insurance rackets."
#India #PRIVATIZATION #CorruptionIntheImageOfTheWest #Covid19 #CoronaVirus https://www.theguardian.com/news/2021/apr/28/crime-against-humanity-arundhati-roy-india-covid-catastrophe
#India #PRIVATIZATION #CorruptionIntheImageOfTheWest #Covid19 #coronavirus
‘Sputnik V arrived!’ Maduro thanks Russia as Venezuela receives first batch of Russian Covid-19 vaccine.
“We are the first country from the Western Hemisphere which will start the Phase III trial of this vaccine against Covid-19,” Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro tweeted
#Sputnik_V #SputnikV #Covid19 #Venezuela
#Sputnik_V #SputnikV #Covid19 #Venezuela #MételePlátanoEnCuloDeGuaidóPorPuto
"The Russian Direct Investment Fund (#RDIF), which funded the development of #Sputnik V, announced on Wednesday that it had reached an agreement with Mexico's #Landsteiner Scientific pharmaceutical company to deliver 32 million vaccines to #Mexico."
#SputnikV #Sputnik_V #Coronavirus #Covid19 #Covid_19
#RDIF #Sputnik #Landsteiner #Mexico #SputnikV #Sputnik_V #coronavirus #Covid19 #Covid_19
While the #fascist Zio- #Nazi Adolf #Trump administration and his #UK / #European #whores impose economic #sanctions #death on #Venezuela,
#Russia offers #LIFE!
Maduro mulls giving Russian Covid-19 vaccine to over 14k candidates in Venezuela's election to facilitate safe campaigning — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union
#Covid19 #Covid_19 #Coronavirus
#fascist #Nazi #Trump #UK #European #whores #Sanctions #death #Venezuela #Russia #LIFE #Covid19 #Covid_19 #coronavirus
Why Was Melania Trump the Only One to Acknowledge COVID-19 at the RNC Last Night?
#CoronaVirus #Covid19 #Covid
Dr. Gene Goodall was asked on whether she would speak today with Donald #Trump and secretary of state #Pompeo about why they should link... about why they should understand the link between the #environment and the #destruction of the US #economy because of #CoronaVirus.
#Covid19 #Covid 19
Her reply...
#Trump #Pompeo #environment #destruction #economy #coronavirus #Covid19 #Covid