Tua 1 yn mhob 10? Beth bynnag, hynod o uchel. Os yn gywir.
About 1 in 10? Whatever, incredibly high. If correct.
Mae achosion yn cynyddu eto. Byddwch yn ofalus!
Cases are riding again. Be careful!
#Covid19Cymru #Covid19Ceredigion
#Covid19Ceredigion #COVID19CYMRU
Hmm. Bach yn bryderus.
#Covid19Ceredigion #Covid19Cymru
#COVID19CYMRU #Covid19Ceredigion
Mae hyn yn cytuno â beth dwi wedi bod yn clywed yn ystod yr wythnos diwethaf.
This fits with what I've been hearing this past week.
#Ceredigion still worst in Cymru, at around 1 in 18 people with an active infection. Mynwy not far behind though.
Data and image from Zoe app.
#Covid19Ceredigion #Covid19Cymru
#COVID19CYMRU #Covid19Ceredigion #Ceredigion
As far as I can tell, only Aberdeen city and Aberdeenshire have a higher case rate.
#Covid19Ceredigion #ZoeApp
Dim yn edrych mor dda nag oedd e wythnos nôl.
Not looking as good as it was a week ago.