The #CDC is open for comments regarding their decision to limit who can get the next #COVID #booster. go here to tell the CDC everyone should have access to all boosters!
#US #USA #America #Americans #COVID19 #Covid #Corona #CoronaVirus #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborn #Pandemic #PandemicIsNotOver #Mask #Masks #WearAMask #Death #Deaths #AmericanDeaths #Vaccine #Vaccines #montag #Friday #Saturday #Sunday #Monday #LongCovid #news #USNews #politics #USPolitics
#cdc #covid #booster #us #usa #america #americans #COVID19 #corona #Coronavirus #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborn #pandemic #PandemicIsNotOver #mask #masks #WearAMask #death #deaths #americandeaths #vaccine #vaccines #montag #friday #saturday #sunday #monday #LongCovid #news #usnews #politics #uspolitics
Newly available:
"Only the Old and Sick will Die": reproducing 'eugenic visuality' in covid 19 data visualization
COVID-19 illness and death has disproportionately impacted marginalized groups the world over. In the United States, Black and Indigenous people have endured the largest risk of death. Disabled and chronically ill people have continued to isolate as their peers “return to normal”, bearing sole liability for their own safety in a society that deems their lives not worth the “sacrifice” of public health measures. While public and institutional policy makers bare personal responsibility for “survival of the fittest” approaches to public health, data science and visualization has contributed to and legitimized many of these eugenic policy decisions through design tropes I characterize as ‘eugenic visuality’. In this paper, I explore how inadequacies and obscurities in COVID-19 data visualization have contributed to and sustained public narratives that devalue marginalized lives for the comfort of white-supremacist and capitalist social norms. While I focus on visualizations and statements provided by the CDC, the implications extend beyond any individual or institution to our collective preconceptions and values. Namely, unexamined biases and unquestioned norms are embedded in data science and visualization, constraining how data is represented and interpreted. These assumptions limit how data can be leveraged in the pursuit of just social policy. Therefore, I propose guiding principles for a Just Visuality in data science and representation, supported by the work of disabled activists and scholars of color.
Or find my email.
#COVID19 #CovidIsAirborn #ThePandemicIsNotOver #Eugenics #Metaeugenics
#COVID19 #CovidIsAirborn #ThePandemicIsNotOver #eugenics #MetaEugenics
Influenza is known to be seasonal.
Common cold is known to be seasonal.
COVID-19 has proven to not be seasonal.
And yet, all those people around me coughing, that’s a common cold?
Well, I don’t think so.
#COVID #COVID19 #SARSCoV2 #LongCovid #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborn #CleanAir #WearADamnMask #WearAMask #BringBackMasks
#covid #covid19 #SarsCoV2 #LongCovid #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborn #cleanair #wearadamnmask #WearAMask #BringBackMasks
I finally joined team #crbox this week after wanting to for months.
$85 CAD for the setup.
$42 for the fan, and the filters were about $36 (bought in a 12 pack for $110).
Merv13 filters, so while it’s not up to hepa filter standards, it’s pretty dang effective.
Quieter than my fancy Mila air purifier, and way way cheaper (it was around $500 CAD, I think).
If anyone near Hamilton, ON wants to make one, I’ve got some filters you can take at cost.
#hamont #CovidIsAirborn
#CovidIsAirborn #hamont #crbox
While the power was out post cyclone, my petition to expand Paxlovid eligibility was accepted and presented to the House of Representatives by Green Party MP, Teanau Tuiono. It is now being considered by Select Committee. I'm to send in a written submission by the end of April. 🙂 #covidisnotover #covidnz #covidisairborn #nzpol
#CovidIsNotOver #CovidNZ #CovidIsAirborn #nzpol
nicht schön aber es sind nun mal auch "wissenschaftler_innen" wie scheibenbogen, die durch ihr verhalten den steten nachschub an studienobjekten sichern
"Heute Besuch des Ausschuss für Soziales, Gesundheit und Integration BaWü und Prof. Gerner, Kinderklinik Offenburg zum Austausch über #MECFS und #PCS"
#Eigenverantwortung #Corona #Covid #LongCovid #Maskenpflicht #Vulnerable #Infektionsschutz #CovidIsAirborn #DavosStandart #TeamWissenschaft am limit 🦠💦🥳
#teamwissenschaft #davosstandart #CovidIsAirborn #infektionsschutz #vulnerable #Maskenpflicht #LongCovid #COVID #Corona #Eigenverantwortung #PCs #mecfs
I'm really excited and hoping this turns out well but I'm working on sewing a diaper bag/bookbag that has a computer fan hepa filter thing built in so I can just take it with me to Dr's appointments and stuff
I've been planning it out ever since I saw CRBoxKits post about a corsibox with computer fans. 😍
I really hope it works and looks okay
I was really excited when a recruiter reached out to me, did the interview, this position is something I do amazing at... the executives often give me a problem and I go beyond expectations with results, Ive recovered hundreds of thousands of $ after a vendor told the company I worked for that it wasn't possible.
Anyways the recruiter hung up on me after I said I am only open for remote jobs due to the pandemic. She said it's over I should be in the office & I said no it's not.
Is there a nation wide group in the US working to make schools safe for kids?
#ZeroCovid #CovidIsAirborn #covid
Could a popular COVID-19 antiviral supercharge the pandemic?
#CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsAirborn #CovidIsntOver
#COVID19 #molnupiravir #CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsAirborn #CovidIsntOver
‘Indoor pandemic’: An engineer on how to clean the air you breathe | TVO Today #OSPE #COVIDOntario #IndoorAirQuality #COVIDIsAirborn #COVID19 #RSV #HVAC #JoeyFox #Coronavirus #onpoli
#ospe #covidontario #indoorairquality #CovidIsAirborn #COVID19 #rsv #hvac #joeyfox #coronavirus #onpoli
Last call. Petition to make Paxlovid available to all medically vulnerable people closing tomorrow, Wed 25th January. Please sign and share!
#CovidNZ #covidisnotover #NZPol #longcovidNZ #longcovid #covidisairborn
#CovidNZ #CovidIsNotOver #nzpol #longcovidnz #LongCovid #CovidIsAirborn
Last call: Petition to make Paxlovid available to all medically vulnerable people including those with long covid is closing tomorrow. Many of us have had pre existing conditions exacerbated by 1st infection and don't qualify. Long covid sufferers also afraid of reinfection.
Come on government, help us!!
#CovidNZ #longcovidnz #covidisnotover #covidisairborn #paxlovid #longcovid #nzpol
Petition · Expanding Paxlovid Eligibility ·
#CovidNZ #longcovidnz #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborn #Paxlovid #LongCovid #nzpol
I will be closing my petitin to expand paxlovid eligibility to medically people with ONE pre existing condition including Long Covid on Wed. 25th January. I'll be submitting it to Parliament at that point. Many of us don't qualify, in spit of suffering devastating effects from first infection. Please sign and share!
#CovidNZ #covidisnotover #covidisairborn #longcovidNZ #longcovid #NZPol
#CovidNZ #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborn #longcovidnz #LongCovid #nzpol
Will be closing and submitting this petition to expand eligibility to paxlovid for all medically vulnerable people including those with long covid on 25th January. Eligibility is currently extremely narrow and many are being left out. Please sign and share.
#CovidNZ #longcovidnz #longcovid #covidisairborn #covidisnotover #nzpol
Petition · Expanding Paxlovid Eligibility ·
#CovidNZ #longcovidnz #LongCovid #CovidIsAirborn #CovidIsNotOver #nzpol
Please sign and share my petition to make Paxlovid available to all medically vulnerable people including those with long covid. Many of us have had pre existing conditions badly exacerbated by first infection but don't fit the cur, very narrow, criteria. Long covid sufferers also afraid of of what reinfection will do to them.
#CovidNZ #Covidisnotover #Covidisairborn #nzpol #longcovidnz #longcovid #paxlovid
Petition · Expanding Paxlovid Eligibility ·
#CovidNZ #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborn #nzpol #longcovidnz #LongCovid #Paxlovid
Both Sides, Links in Opinion 🤗 "Reviewing a study on masks 😷 .... But let’s poke away!" 😉 (@CHendel)
"Here’s the study question — does using a medical mask while caring for a person with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 provide healthcare workers “noninferior” protection to an N95 mask?
🐝 😷 🌻 That “noninferior” term January 4th, 2023 🤬 #covid19virustransmission 😷 #masks 💨 #CovidisAirborn #asymptomatictransmission
#covid19virustransmission #masks #CovidIsAirborn #asymptomatictransmission
Please sign and share my petition to expand eligibilty for Paxlovid to all medically vulnerable people with ONE pre existing condtion, including long covid. Many of us have had pre existing condtions badly exacerbated by previous infection, but don't qualify. Long covid sufferers also don't want further damage from reinfection. #CovidNZ #Kraken #NZpol #covidisnotover #covidisairborn #bringbackmasks #longcovid #longcovidNZ #Covid19NZ
#CovidNZ #kraken #nzpol #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborn #BringBackMasks #LongCovid #longcovidnz #COVID19nz
So close to 1,000 now! Please sign and share if you haven't already! Petition to make paxlovid available to everyone with ONE pre existing condition, not the current three. #CovidNZ #Covidisairborn #covidisnotover #longcovidnz #longcovid #paxlovid #nzpol
#CovidNZ #CovidIsAirborn #CovidIsNotOver #longcovidnz #LongCovid #Paxlovid #nzpol
Happy with my new air purifier from @cleanairkits It's so quiet!
#CorsiRosenthal #CovidIsAirborn
#CorsiRosenthal #CovidIsAirborn