LOL I just found the right expression for uninviting myself before I had even been invited 🤣
"If I wasn't so Corona-shy I'd join you ... "
#MaskUp #CovidIsntover 'DieMaskeBleibtAuf
Long COVID is debilitating children. Doctors worry there aren’t enough centers to treat them
Story by Elizabeth Hlavinka, August 29, 2023
"When 11-year-old Jack Coviello contracted COVID-19 in January 2022, his worst symptom was a sore throat that kept him out of school for a week. A couple of days later, graver symptoms started to appear: gastrointestinal issues, tachycardia, panic attacks, and extreme fatigue that kept him sleeping 20 hours a day.
"It would be a full month of running tests in which doctors continued to say Jack was 'fine,' until his pediatrician diagnosed him with post-COVID syndrome, also known as long COVID, and referred him to a specialized clinic, said his mother, Kelli Coviello, who is a principal's assistant at an elementary school in Massachusetts.
"'It's been a challenge of them not really, truly understanding,' Coviello told Salon in a phone interview. "They think it's just school avoidance, and he doesn't want to come in or maybe it's just anxiety, and all this other stuff. … But he's an 11-year-old boy, who is looking at you saying, 'Am I dying? What's happening to me?'"
"Jack is one of thousands of children that has been diagnosed with long COVID. Last month, the National Institutes of Health updated its considerations for long COVID to say the burden of the condition in children "may be quite large." Studies estimating its prevalence in pediatric populations are limited and conflicting, estimating up to 25% of children infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus could go on to develop long COVID, though it's more likely between 2% and 10%. Older children with existing chronic diseases or who had a more severe COVID-19 infection have an increased risk.
"As COVID cases rise again and new variants emerge, coupled with school starting up again, previous waves indicate that long COVID cases could spike along with hospitalizations and deaths. Though kids generally have milder infections, they aren't always spared from the worst outcomes of infection.
"However, evidence suggests long COVID is underestimated in adults, and the same is likely true for children. Plus, some providers still don't know much about long COVID, which may delay diagnoses, said Dr. Alexandra Yonts, a pediatric infectious disease physician at the Pediatric Post-COVID program at Children's National Hospital.
"'I've heard from a lot of our families that they had to go to multiple different doctors to even find someone that believed what their child was experiencing was true,' Yonts told Salon in a phone interview."
#LongCovid #MedicalGaslighting #Covid #LongHaul #Covid19 #CovidIsntOver
#LongCovid #medicalgaslighting #covid #longhaul #COVID19 #CovidIsntOver
Quite the surge in cases happening in my circles here in suburban N. Colorado. In addition to the folks I'm lending HEPA filters out to right now, I'm reading the RSVP posts on my friends Evite to a labor day cookout, and seeing several regrets b/c they or family members are testing positive this weekend. Public school started 3 weeks ago here, university started two weeks ago.
#COVID19 #CovidIsntOver #COVID
It is completely unbelievable to me that since the 1950s we've had the modern zombie movie, and yet when a global pandemic showed up where everyone would get to show their smarts in surviving and adapting we completely screwed it up.
It was the number one watched show, folks.
What's more, a large number of us became "That guy in the zombie movie who gets bit and doesn't tell anyone."
A friend whose 80-something parents live in NC, turned down a patio beer at the start of August with DH and I, b/c she was flying out to visit them for a week-long visit and didn't want to risk bringing #COVID to them. (DH had finally recovered from his first case after being ordered to return to office this summer.)
She just heard from her mom, who has been quite sick for a week and who tested negative twice early on, that her father is suddenly miserably ill and tested + #CovidIsntOver
Secret Pandemic? Even More People Could Have Long COVID Than Doctors Think, Study Finds
by Richard Burkard, August 29, 2023
"As coronavirus shows signs of expanding across the U.S., is learning about new research indicating long COVID may affect more people than first thought.
A Northwestern University study suggests at least 4 million U.S. residents of people have symptoms of COVID-19 even if they were never diagnosed with the virus.
The journal Neurology, Neuroimmunology and Neuroinflammation notes the study sample is small, with 29 patients. But it shows similar symptoms among people with a “post-viral syndrome” and people diagnosed with “long COVID.”
The researchers defined long COVID as a person with symptoms lasting longer than six weeks. The Centers for Disease Control estimates 19% of U.S. adults who developed the virus fit that title.
The study shows 41% of people with the post-viral syndrome had been exposed to coronavirus. But they don’t have the virus now, so they’re not allowed to enter 70% of all long COVID clinics."
#LongCovid #covid #COVID19 #pandemic #CovidIsntOver
feeling extremely vindicated (and sad, and angry) in my decision to protect myself and skip the wedding because, yes, another six people tested positive a day after the event started likely infecting even more of my family
I’m so fucking sick of people using the phrase “post pandemic.” The ableism is infuriating. #CovidIsntOver
Have had some light congestion in the last two days, so I tested mouth (gums/cheeks/~throat) & nose (per directions) this AM before attending an outdoor wedding later today. I will also be masking there, for my own protection.
I wish we all 1. Tested before events to keep each other safe, and 2. Had access to free, fast & accurate testing!!!
PCRs are available, but turnaround time is too slow for real-time use.
#COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsntOver #CovidIsNotOver
Only one wearing a mask at a multi day training and still got covid. So yeah #CovidIsntOver #CovidIsNotOver
#CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsntOver
It's empty, but still wearing a mask for my eye doctor appointment. #CovidIsntOver #WearAMask #MaskUp
#CovidIsntOver #WearAMask #MaskUp
We made it this far, please take precautions if needed!
All signs point to a late summer COVID wave
#News #covid19 #covid #BreakingNews #Breaking #CovidIsntOver #AureFreePress
#aurefreepress #CovidIsntOver #Breaking #breakingnews #COVID #COVID19 #News
@jik I don't disagree at all.
I do think ppl relievedly accept the minimizing public health and political messaging, studiously ignore the emerging research and cautionary voices, and look around at all the people they know who have gotten #COVID, 9.9 percent of whom do not call their weird but noticeable changes in health or functionality #LongCovid yet, and soothe their cognitive dissonance by concluding that the LC rates must be wildly exaggerated. #CovidIsntOver
#CovidIsntOver #LongCovid #COVID
@DrPsyBuffy Staycations looking better and better. Otherwise known as geez, just stay home because #CovidIsntOver!
This week I’ve been worried sick because we had a little family gathering last weekend for a relative who was visiting and turns out they had Covid. Three of my elderly grand relatives whom I care about very dearly are now infected. I wore an N95 and stayed mostly outside and continue to test negative. I’m worried that we will lose a life. Please, the next Covid wave is here, take some precautions, especially in higher risk situations.
#CovidIsntOver #covid #pandemic
#Pandemic #COVID #CovidIsntOver
We are sending kids to school without requiring masks during a massive surge of a virus that has a very good chance of severely disabling them in the future. This is madness. #CovidIsntOver #COVID
I am worried about so many awfully big things. 'ClimateCrisis #NazisInAmerica #GOPFascism #CovidIsntOver
Can anyone offer a reason for optimism?
#CovidIsntOver #gopfascism #nazisinamerica
I remember reading how a newspaper editor in South India, back in 2020, sent his journalists to count the cremations, and the counts were much higher than official figures.
History is repeating itself:
Four of my parents’ friends have Covid. It’s the first time for at least two of them. All in their late 70s, at least. #covidisntover #CovidWave
Poor billionaire, life is oh so hard.