RT @FionaRouge
These findings, which suggest that the virus damages an important immune-cell response, were published today in the journal Immunity.
#covidkills #covid #sarscov2
RT @amir42@twitter.com
Einfach widerlich, wie Stephanie Lahrtz, Redaktorin im Ressort Wissenschaft und Technologie der NZZ das Ende der #COVID19 #Pandemie verkündet wärendem gleichzeitig in China 1.7 MILLIONEN TOTE erwartet werden!
#protectu #CovidKills #WTF #NZZ #shameonyou #Pandemie #COVID19
Lol nice when you're at a patho case review discussion and the retires male surgeon and male endocrinoligist (who told me one I was wrong type 2 diabetic patients don't go into DKA) sitting here lecturing me that covid vaccines killed and are killing people #Floriduh #covidkills #vaccines
#vaccines #CovidKills #Floriduh
Die scheinen nicht zu wissen was endemisch bedeutet.
Wichtig ist für sie, dass die Pandemie zu Ende ist. Durch genaues Zuhören und Verstehen scheint zumindest Buschmann sich nicht für sein Amt qualifiziert zu haben.
Wait until they study people like me. Almost 3 years out from having one of the earliest non-hospitalized cases of #COVID19. My nuclear stress test Saturday indicates my heart has “irreversible” damage that will take my life because my post COVID COPD and age make me ineligible for a transplant. #LongCovid #GetVaccinatedASAP #CovidDisables #CovidKills
#COVID19 #LongCovid #GetVaccinatedASAP #coviddisables #CovidKills
Wait until they study people like me. Almost 3 years out from having one of the earliest non-hospitalized cases of #COVID19. My nuclear stress test Saturday indicates my heart has “irreversible” damage that will take my life because my post COVID COPD and age make me ineligible for a transplant. #LongCovid #GetVaccinatedASAP #CovidDisables #CovidKills
#COVID19 #LongCovid #GetVaccinatedASAP #coviddisables #CovidKills
RT @JudeJack@twitter.com
BBC lays out what “Learning to live with the virus in the UK” means - World Socialist Web Site
#CovidKills #BBCpropaganda https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2022/05/09/jzrk-m09.html