I write to rage, and rescue ourselves from collective amnesia, says Harsh Mander, speaking on India’s Covid experience
Harsh Mander’s new book demands accountability from the state for its handling of the pandemic’s impact.
#covid19 #HarshMander #healthcare #CovidMismanagement #BJP #books #bookstodon #interview #health #medicine #india
#COVID19 #harshmander #healthcare #CovidMismanagement #BJP #books #bookstodon #interview #health #medicine #india
⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ ALERT⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️
#covidconscious community, I have word that this guy is spreading misinformation and should be blocked immediately. Anyone in comments saying that masking doesn't stop covid will also be blocked
#stopmisinformation #COVIDmisinformation #CovidMismanagement #covidtroll #blockthisguy
Boost for better reach
#covidconscious #stopmisinformation #COVIDmisinformation #CovidMismanagement #covidtroll #blockthisguy
German asylum-seekers not provided with free FFP2-masks.
Crumbs of expenses for the state; a matter of life or death for the refugees.
This is a CLEAR case #CovidMismanagement.
#Covid19 #CoronaVirusDE #Coronavirus https://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/1148073.coronakrise-keine-kostenlosen-masken-fuer-asylbewerber-vom-bund.html
#CovidMismanagement #COVID19 #CoronaVirusDE #Coronavirus