I just bought the supplies for the DIY Corsi-Rosenthal box so we can use it on the 29th when our furnace company comes out.
Using just this basic design:
Amazon has a "Corsi Rosenthal" kit that is just filters and duct tape, but it's on sale. Then I bought a fan for $30
#CovidMitigation #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborne
#WearAMask #BringBackMasks
#aranet4 #CleanAir #CorsiRosenthalBox #CRBox
#ClimateJustice #LaudatoSi
#CareForCreation #ZeroWaste
#IndieGames #CozyGames #WholesomeGames
Fiddling around with #GatherTown
#Jesus #Catholicism #Saints #CatholicArt #Theology
#PrayerRequest #Evangelization #Liturgy
#CovidMitigation #CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne #WearAMask #BringBackMasks #AraNet4 #cleanair #corsirosenthalbox #crbox #climatejustice #laudatosi #careforcreation #zerowaste #fairtrade #ethicallymade #consistentlifeethic #indiegames #cozygames #wholesomegames #gathertown #jesus #catholicism #saints #catholicart #theology #prayerrequest #evangelization #liturgy
A year ago vs. today
This is why “the experts” deserve nothing more than contempt and ridicule.
If they lied about this, then what makes you think they’re telling the truth about gender medicalization? https://twitter.com/ChristinaPushaw/status/1555374817737641988
#COVID19 #CovidMitigation #maskmandate