Final chance to submit your thoughts to Pharmac re widening Paxlovid eligibility. Submission window closes Monday July 21 at 5pm. Especially important now that all protection measures have been dropped. #paxlovid #COVID9 #covid19nz #covidnz #longcovid #longcovidnz #nzpol #medicallyvulnerable
Proposal to change the access criteria for COVID-19 antiviral treatments - Pharmac | New Zealand Government
#Paxlovid #covid9 #COVID19nz #CovidNZ #LongCovid #longcovidnz #nzpol #medicallyvulnerable
The new school leaders' bulletin is out, giving advice on the new Covid management regime, mainly referencing the Unite against Covid website and Te Whatu Ora's infection prevention guide. According to the guide "Healthy young children can have up to 8 to 12 colds or upper respiratory tract infections each year and these are a normal part of childhood."
Since when are up to 12! colds per year normal???
@KiwiNikki It shows that not all is lost - we just have to keep telling the govt that we want masks back, at least in healthcare settings
Good ventilation at T膩kina/Lego Jurassic World. Went up to just over 800ppm in the last, pretty crowded room.
#Wellington #CovidNZ #CovidIsAirborne #ventilation #airquality
#wellington #CovidNZ #covidisairborne #ventilation #airquality
If there are people who are involved in the upcoming election, specifically door knocking, who see this: When you go door knocking for/with a candidate, please remember that there will be immune compromised/medically vulnerable people in some of the places you are going to. Step back after ringing the doorbell, and have a mask on hand. Help keep us all safe! #nzpol #election #campaign #bipartisan #medicallyvulnerable #CovidNZ
#nzpol #election #campaign #bipartisan #medicallyvulnerable #CovidNZ
Slightly better inside, but still basically empty
#CovidNZ #CleanAir #CovidSafe
Yikes, the wastewater covid testing is showing an increase in covid levels in wastewater in Northland since 19 March. The level is now higher than our second omicron peak in July last year. #CovidNZ
Somedays it amazes me that people survive in business. Such as when one of these business geniuses bitches about covid isolation requirements causing staff shortages. What do they think staff shortages would be if there was no isolation required for covid? #CovidNZ
Online Workshop
Nurturing a Community of Care
Tonight at 7pm! If you want to join.
While the power was out post cyclone, my petition to expand Paxlovid eligibility was accepted and presented to the House of Representatives by Green Party MP, Teanau Tuiono. It is now being considered by Select Committee. I'm to send in a written submission by the end of April. 馃檪 #covidisnotover #covidnz #covidisairborn #nzpol
#CovidIsNotOver #CovidNZ #CovidIsAirborn #nzpol
Newsroom's reporting of the seven day average reported covid cases is showing a rise since mid-February from around a thousand per day to 1459 today. Some of this increase will be reporting restarting in cyclone hit areas - but does that explain all of the increase. #CovidNZ
Quickly checking in on my "favourite" graph.
#COVID19 #c19 #Aotearoa #CovidNZ
Bivalent boosters are good news for Aotearoa.
Better late than never, hopefully by April the variant soup hasn't completely outpaced them.
Still furious about excluding the little ones unless they are "high risk" though.
Last call. Petition to make Paxlovid available to all medically vulnerable people closing tomorrow, Wed 25th January. Please sign and share!
#CovidNZ #covidisnotover #NZPol #longcovidNZ #longcovid #covidisairborn
#CovidNZ #CovidIsNotOver #nzpol #longcovidnz #LongCovid #CovidIsAirborn
Last call: Petition to make Paxlovid available to all medically vulnerable people including those with long covid is closing tomorrow. Many of us have had pre existing conditions exacerbated by 1st infection and don't qualify. Long covid sufferers also afraid of reinfection.
Come on government, help us!!
#CovidNZ #longcovidnz #covidisnotover #covidisairborn #paxlovid #longcovid #nzpol
Petition 路 Expanding Paxlovid Eligibility 路
#CovidNZ #longcovidnz #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborn #Paxlovid #LongCovid #nzpol
I will be closing my petitin to expand paxlovid eligibility to medically people with ONE pre existing condition including Long Covid on Wed. 25th January. I'll be submitting it to Parliament at that point. Many of us don't qualify, in spit of suffering devastating effects from first infection. Please sign and share!
#CovidNZ #covidisnotover #covidisairborn #longcovidNZ #longcovid #NZPol
#CovidNZ #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborn #longcovidnz #LongCovid #nzpol
Will be closing and submitting this petition to expand eligibility to paxlovid for all medically vulnerable people including those with long covid on 25th January. Eligibility is currently extremely narrow and many are being left out. Please sign and share.
#CovidNZ #longcovidnz #longcovid #covidisairborn #covidisnotover #nzpol
Petition 路 Expanding Paxlovid Eligibility 路
#CovidNZ #longcovidnz #LongCovid #CovidIsAirborn #CovidIsNotOver #nzpol
Please sign and share my petition to make Paxlovid available to all medically vulnerable people including those with long covid. Many of us have had pre existing conditions badly exacerbated by first infection but don't fit the cur, very narrow, criteria. Long covid sufferers also afraid of of what reinfection will do to them.
#CovidNZ #Covidisnotover #Covidisairborn #nzpol #longcovidnz #longcovid #paxlovid
Petition 路 Expanding Paxlovid Eligibility 路
#CovidNZ #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborn #nzpol #longcovidnz #LongCovid #Paxlovid
Please sign and share my petition to expand eligibilty for Paxlovid to all medically vulnerable people with ONE pre existing condtion, including long covid. Many of us have had pre existing condtions badly exacerbated by previous infection, but don't qualify. Long covid sufferers also don't want further damage from reinfection. #CovidNZ #Kraken #NZpol #covidisnotover #covidisairborn #bringbackmasks #longcovid #longcovidNZ #Covid19NZ
#CovidNZ #kraken #nzpol #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborn #BringBackMasks #LongCovid #longcovidnz #COVID19nz