#Covid #CovidOrigin @Rhubarbarian @Mastodon
Sure ... Fine ...We've got nothing else going on ...
Ralph Baric and EcoHealth Alliance took advanced #biotech and created a #bioweapon, then transferred it to a lab being run by a known enemy of the U.S.
Who in our our #DOD and intelligence community were aware of this and what were they doing?
#CCP #COVID #CovidOrigin #WuhanLab #CIA #Fauci @AGHuff @dougmastriano @VigilantFox @P_McCulloughMD @stkirsch #MedicalFreedom #Pennsylvania #SenateTestimony #TruthMatters #Lawfare
#biotech #bioweapon #DOD #ccp #COVID #CovidOrigin #wuhanlab #cia #fauci #medicalfreedom #pennsylvania #SenateTestimony #truthmatters #lawfare
"Opinion | Dr. Fauci Could Have Said a Lot More - The New York Times" #Covidorigin
Now New York Times turns on Fauci: essay slams reaction during COVID via #covidorigin
#CovidOrigin On avance ! On avait accusé à tort le pangolin ; le nvo candidat est un chien viverrin (un canidé qui ressemble à un raton laveur et qui hiberne, en anglais raccoon dog, en japonais tanuki). Il est aussi question de civette (qu’on suspectait depuis lgtps)
Le feuilleton n’est pas terminé ! Une séquence apparaît sur #Gisaid, repérée par @flodebarre. On s’y intéresse. 14 mars : commission OMS-CovidOrigin. Paf ! les Chinois suppriment l’enregistement de Gisaid
Scientists lean towards a natural spillover from animals, but China’s opacity means a lab leak can’t be ruled out. mistake; labworkers infectef in 2019 not 2020! #lableak #covidorigin
It has been three years since the MoS revealed fears of a Covid leak via #covidorigin #lableak
Scientist who tried to squash Covid lab leak links virus to hedgehogs via #covidorigin - es wird immer absurder
Unanimous House vote sends bill to declassify US intelligence info about COVID origins to US President Joe Biden. #lableak #covidorigin
@BeneCal a lot has been published in scientific journals and there was intense funding and US cooperation via ECOHealth which might provide clues about #Covidorigin #inveroveritas
WHO “deeply frustrated” by lack of US transparency on #COVIDorigin data
While the #WorldHealthOrganization says it's continuing to urge #China to share data and cooperate with investigations into the origins of #SARSCoV2, the #UnitedNations' health agency is calling out another country for lack of transparency—the #UnitedStates. #COVID19
#CovidOrigin #worldhealthorganization #China #sarscov2 #unitednations #unitedstates #covid19
FBI Director Christopher Wray accuses China of thwarting efforts to identify the origin of the COVID-19 outbreak. #Covidorigin
Virologist who tried to bully away lab leak theory simpers over China via #lableak #Covidorigin
House Republicans reignite war over COVID origins via #covidorigin
@atomicpoet no t for me! Too few toots about #covidorigin #lableak #glyphosate and even #migratuon and #migratoryspecies are underrepresented
#CovidOrigin #LabLeak #glyphosate #migratuon #migratoryspecies
@protagonist_future Indeed! Which means #lableak #covidorigin has nothing to do with any #conspiracy....
#LabLeak #CovidOrigin #conspiracy