Given that in March 2023 it was estimated 1.9 million UK citizens were experiencing #LongCovid symptoms (ONS data), can someone explain what Prof Sir Andrew Pollard of the University of Oxford means by his recent statement?
"The science is clear that from the #NHS perspective, Covid-19 is no longer a problem for the healthy and young in the population"
How is a health issue that affects 2.9% of the population insignificant?
#CovidVaccination #vaccination #COVID #nhs #LongCovid
From 30th June the NHS will no longer offer 1st and 2nd Covid jabs to everyone, says the NHS website ( I was not aware of this.
If you're in the UK and you want a Covid vaccination but haven't had one yet (or maybe your kids?) it's now or never folks!
#COVID #vaccination #CovidVaccination #nhs #uk
RT @VikiLovesFACS
🏴 6,731 exposed to #CovidVaccination before 20 weeks of #pregnancy, vs 20,193 controls
👉🏻 No increased risk of congenital anomalies
👉🏻 Including when analysis was restricted to vaccination in the vulnerable window before 10 weeks of pregnancy
COVID vaccination billing streamlined
Medicare rebates for COVID-19 vaccination have increased to compensate for the removal of booster and PIP payments.
#COVID19Aus #COVIDvaccination
#Vaccination #covidvaccination Go my 4th jab yesterday, after my experience with the 2nd jab I was a bit nervous before 3rd and also now, but it went well.
They say this will modify my genetics but I still don't have any feathers, so I am not pleased.
I was thinking about asking for Moderna, but got cold feets just before and asked for Pfizer. Given the reaction I had to the second I didn't wanna risk a much vaccine with even higher dosage.
Still not had covid, so it seems to have worked :)
#vaccination #CovidVaccination
I managed to avoid the Covid for nearly 3 years…but not today. I have to say that the takeoff since my positive test at 1PM has been impressive. Glad I got all the recommended #CovidVaccination and now scrambling to get Paxlovid. Next pandemic we need to rapidly scale up a health services corp with any interested college students, retirees, the general public, etc to facilitate more rapid testing/screening, vaccination and antiviral prescribing. Look at VA model t #COVID #COVID19 #publichealth
#COVID19 #publichealth #CovidVaccination #COVID
Yeeeeh, das war das ultimative Schlagwort für #Buschi.
Jetzt ungebremster Lauf für #Lockerungsorgien und #Lockerungswettlauf der #FDP.
#OmicronVariant #Corona #Coronavirus #COVID19 #LongCovid #PostCovid #MECFS #POTS #CoronaVaccine #COVIDVaccination #Pandmie #Endemie #Justizminister #Buschmann
#buschmann #Justizminister #endemie #pandmie #CovidVaccination #coronavaccine #pots #mecfs #PostCovid #LongCovid #COVID19 #Coronavirus #corona #OmicronVariant #fdp #lockerungswettlauf #Lockerungsorgien #buschi
Is ja kein Wunder, dass die #Lager mir #Impfstoff überquellen, wenn weitere #Boosterimpfung für U60 nicht empfohlen bzw. nötig ist (erscheinen), oder hab ich was verpasst?
#OmicronVariant #Corona #Coronavirus #COVID19 #LongCovid #PostCovid #MECFS #POTS #ImpfenRettetLeben #ImpfenSchützt #CoronaVaccine #COVIDVaccination
#CovidVaccination #coronavaccine #impfenschutzt #impfenrettetleben #pots #mecfs #PostCovid #LongCovid #COVID19 #Coronavirus #corona #OmicronVariant #boosterimpfung #impfstoff #lager
Die massiven #Bevölkerungsproteste infolge der brutalen #zerocovid #Politik zwingen #China zu unvorbereiteten #Lockerungen. Die Impfquote bei Älteren ist aber zu gering und die chinesischen #Impfstoffe nicht so gut wirksam.
Eine Prognose der University of Hong Kong rechnet mit fast 1 Million Toten bei kompletter Lockerung.
#OmicronVariant #Corona #Coronavirus #COVID19 #LongCovid #PostCovid #MECFS #POTS #ImpfenSchützt #CoronaVaccine #COVIDVaccination #BoosterImpfung
#boosterimpfung #CovidVaccination #coronavaccine #impfenschutzt #pots #mecfs #PostCovid #LongCovid #COVID19 #Coronavirus #corona #OmicronVariant #Impfstoffe #Lockerungen #china #politik #ZeroCOVID #bevolkerungsproteste
#Indien sieht nun ein steigendes #Gesundheitsrisiko durch die #Corona-#Infektionswelle in #China.
Engischer Artikel: "India on alert for new variants as Covid wave sweeps China"
#OmicronVariant #Corona #Coronavirus #COVID19 #LongCovid #PostCovid #MECFS #POTS #ImpfenRettetLeben #ImpfenSchützt #CoronaVaccine #COVIDVaccination #Impfstoff #BoosterImpfung
#boosterimpfung #impfstoff #CovidVaccination #coronavaccine #impfenschutzt #impfenrettetleben #pots #mecfs #PostCovid #LongCovid #COVID19 #Coronavirus #OmicronVariant #china #infektionswelle #corona #Gesundheitsrisiko #indien
#covid19 #covidvaccination So, they are frustrated that very few people under the age of 65 have taken covid19 vaccination in Norway, and here I am just waiting for my SMS saying that I now can book, but apparently they are not sending an SMS this time around and just expect you to book and have not informed about that at all, and they are upset that people are not getting vaccinated?
I would have taken it already had I known! :O
Die bringen im Fernsehen Spot von Wir-gegen-Corona:
"Jetzt #Impfschutz überprüfen"
Gibt es da was zu überprüfen? Neue Boosterregeln für irgendwelche jüngeren Altersgruppen?
#OmicronVariant #Corona #Coronavirus #COVID19 #LongCovid #PostCovid #MECFS #POTS #ImpfenRettetLeben #ImpfenSchützt #CoronaVaccine #COVIDVaccination #allesindenArm #Impfstoff #BoosterImpfung
#boosterimpfung #impfstoff #allesindenArm #CovidVaccination #coronavaccine #impfenschutzt #impfenrettetleben #pots #mecfs #PostCovid #LongCovid #COVID19 #Coronavirus #corona #OmicronVariant #Impfschutz
In den #Trends fehlt irgendwie das große Sterben in #China.
Das hat dort nämlich gerade begonnen und in den nächsten paar Monaten werden vermutlich unfassbar viele Menschen an #COVID19 sterben, die bisher drumrum gekommen sind.
Aber, hey, is ja nur ne Grippe.
#OmicronVariant #Corona #Coronavirus #COVID19 #LongCovid #PostCovid #MECFS #POTS #ImpfenRettetLeben #ImpfenSchützt #CoronaVaccine #COVIDVaccination #Impfstoff #BoosterImpfung
#boosterimpfung #impfstoff #CovidVaccination #coronavaccine #impfenschutzt #impfenrettetleben #pots #mecfs #PostCovid #LongCovid #Coronavirus #corona #OmicronVariant #COVID19 #china #trends
"This large population study of the entire state of Indiana should encourage individuals everywhere to get themselves and their children vaccinated and not rely on natural immunity."
#CovidIsNotOver #COVIDvaccination
#CovidVaccination #CovidIsNotOver
@kityates #CovidVaccination Thankfully both my sons have been vaccinated with the booster as they are my carers. Please anyone who is a carer, register with your GP (just a simple form - name, who caring for, etc) and you will be eligible for the booster jabs, and flu. It's ridiculous that it's not being offered to everyone.
#Fibromyalgia #CfsMe #ChronicIllness #MS #MentalHealth #Migraines #Arthritis
#arthritis #migraines #mentalhealth #ms #chronicillness #cfsme #fibromyalgia #CovidVaccination
"Long Covid nach Impfung: Impfgeschädigte fühlen sich im Stich gelassen"
Erwähnt wird die Uniklinik Marburg mit ihrer PostCovid-Ambulanz, die Post-Vac-Sprechstunde anbietet.
Dazu hier ein Interview mit Professor Schieffer:
#Coronavirus #COVID19 #LongCovid #PostCovid #MECFS #POTS #CoronaVaccine #COVIDVaccination #Impfstoff
#impfstoff #CovidVaccination #coronavaccine #pots #mecfs #PostCovid #LongCovid #COVID19 #Coronavirus
The weekend crept up on me! Had #CovidBooster and #FluJab yesterday, one in each arm, so I don’t have a side to lay on in bed!! Sleeping is nigh on impossible 😢 #CovidVaccination #FluVaccination #BetterSafeThanSorry
#bettersafethansorry #fluvaccination #CovidVaccination #flujab #COVIDbooster
Want the latest evidence on #CovidVaccination and #periods? My perspective in is a one-stop shop!
👉🏻 Changes small & quickly resolve
📅 Changes to timing mediated by ovarian hormones?
🩸 Changes to flow mediated by endometrial repair?
Good info here #Canada. #CovidVaccination #pregnancy #Covid19
Bivalent vaccines are here – what it means for people who are pregnant
#COVID19 #pregnancy #CovidVaccination #Canada
I’m so relieved that this time around I’ve recovered from #covid to almost back to baseline in less than 2 weeks. Last time if took me 3.5 months. I can only assume that my recent booster played a massive role #CovidVaccination