Interesting account of the last few years from a funeral industry insider
Please read the details at RAIR Foundation
#Covidmeasures #Diedsuddenly #Massiveconspiracy #vaccines
#vaccines #Massiveconspiracy #Diedsuddenly #Covidmeasures
NCI Testimony of vaxx victim, Shawna Caine
Please see write up of this testimony at RAIR Foundation
#Covidmeasures #NCINationalCitizensInquiry #vaccines
#vaccines #NCINationalCitizensInquiry #Covidmeasures
More truly worthy testimony from the NCI. Here is how true and deeply held religious beliefs were treated during vaxx mandates, even when the person had a contract exempting them from vaccines of any kind.
Please read the write up at RAIR Foundation
#Covidmeasures #NCINationalCitizensInquiry #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #vaccines
#vaccines #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #NCINationalCitizensInquiry #Covidmeasures
NCI testimony from a worker at an elderly care facility
Where some of the worst horror took place. Please see the write up at RAIR
#Covidmeasures #NCINationalCitizensInquiry
#NCINationalCitizensInquiry #Covidmeasures
Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you, the new director of the CDC
Try and find the science anywhere in these.
Stay at home order:
Decision to end pro football
New CDC Director Mandy Cohen recalls how she and her colleagues came up with COVID mandates during her time as NC Health Director.
“She was like, are you gonna le
#corruptUSleftists #Covidmeasures
#Covidmeasures #corruptUSleftists
James Lunney Testimony at NCI: How Vitamin D could have stopped it all
James Lunney was a member of Parliament for 15 years, and a chiropractor who did extensive research into the major health benefits of proper Vitamin D use for disease prevention. In this presentation at the National Citizens Inquiry in Ottawa, Dr. Lu
#Covidmeasures #Massiveconspiracy #NCINationalCitizensInquiry
#NCINationalCitizensInquiry #Massiveconspiracy #Covidmeasures
Two items: Reiner Fuellmich and MP Andrew Bridgen, and what the hell is going on with NATO and Kosovo?
1. An interesting discussion between Rheiner Fuelmich and UK MP, Andrew Bridgen
2. Something appears to be going on in Kosovo with the Serbs:
As I get it f
#Covidmeasures #EuropeanCivilwars #Massiveconspiracy
#Massiveconspiracy #EuropeanCivilwars #Covidmeasures
NCI: Canadian veteran recognized a military psy-op when she saw it in action in Canada
This is testimony from the Ottawa National Citizen's Inquiry that is as important as any. An experienced military person who had worked with intel people on psy-ops as used against enemies in Afghanistan and elsewhere
#Covidmeasures #Military #NCINationalCitizensInquiry #vaccines
#vaccines #NCINationalCitizensInquiry #military #Covidmeasures
Mary O’Connor testimony at the National Citizen’s Inquiry
Dr. O'Connor was one of the people who spoke about Covid policies at the second room at the Ottawa and final hearings for the NCI. VIdeo below, but also please see our interview with Mary from last August as well as follow-ups on how her court case went. RAIR Article can be
#Covidmeasures #Dr.MaryO'Connor #NCINationalCitizensInquiry
#NCINationalCitizensInquiry #Dr #Covidmeasures
Dr. Denis Rancourt testimony at NCI Ottawa: Excess deaths due to vaxx
A few days ago, we posted an astonishing clip of ex Pfizer VP, Mike Yeadon. He made some very bold claims but ones that should probably be considered before dismissal out of hand, if for no other reason, than events of the past few decades show that trusting in the syste
#Covidmeasures #Massiveconspiracy #vaccines
#vaccines #Massiveconspiracy #Covidmeasures
Dr. Edward Leyton: Just how bad are the Colleges of Surgeons and Physicians?
This is another must watch.
#Covidmeasures #ExposingLeftism #Ivermectin #Massiveconspiracy #NCINationalCitizensInquiry
#NCINationalCitizensInquiry #Massiveconspiracy #Ivermectin #ExposingLeftism #Covidmeasures
Derek Sloan speaks to the NCI about politics and Pharma in Canada
The last three days has been the end of the cross-Canada tour of the National Citizen's Inquiry into Covid policies. It has been absolutely critical in understanding the state of the totalitarian revolution that took place and is still underway in Canada. We hav
#Covidmeasures #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #vaccines
#vaccines #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #Covidmeasures
Dr. Daniel Nagase testimony at NCI May 19th: He names names and details the new nature of medicine as it now is in Canada
At this point the key takeaway from a great deal of events being reported certainly in 2023, but arguably much much longer, is that a com
#Covidmeasures #Ivermectin #Massiveconspiracy #NCINationalCitizensInquiry
#NCINationalCitizensInquiry #Massiveconspiracy #Ivermectin #Covidmeasures
Canadian Lawyer, Bruce Pardy exposes the logical fallacies and destruction of democratic process during Covid
First, here is what Queen's University says about Bruce Pardy:
Professor Pardy is a classically liberal legal academic for whom equal application of the law, negative
#Covidmeasures #Gallopingstatism #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada
#ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #Gallopingstatism #Covidmeasures
“Academic freedom may be dead, but that means so is academia” “Universities are just Marxist hatcheries.”
Alex Berenson asks one and all to please retweet this. He feels its critically important. So do I. Maybe a few more items like this will wake people up to the reality of the Marxist r
#AlexBerenson #Covidmeasures #freedomofspeech #vaccines
#vaccines #freedomofspeech #Covidmeasures #AlexBerenson
National Citizens Inquiry: Daniel Bulford, ex sniper on Trudeau’s RCMP security detail
#Covidmeasures #Gallopingstatism #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada
#ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #Gallopingstatism #Covidmeasures
Germans call for massive demonstration on Saturday: Reformation 2.0
Please read the details at RAIR
#Covidmeasures #Germany #Protests
#Protests #Germany #Covidmeasures
Stunning interview with top OBGYN, Dr. James Thorp: Did Pfizer set out to sterilize women?
Please try and carve out the time to watch this critically important video. Dr. Thorp shares his 45 years plus, clinical experience to expose how the various Covid injections have damaged women and fertility in particular, and expo
#Covidmeasures #Massiveconspiracy #vaccines
#vaccines #Massiveconspiracy #Covidmeasures
Jessica Rose at the National Citizen’s Inquiry on VAERS and Covid modelling
#Covidmeasures #vaccines
Naomi Wolf: ”The Pfizer Documents contain evidence of the greatest crime against humanity in the history of our species”
We have a lot of time for people who spoke up against the shots when it still mattered, meaning when people still were taking them and maybe could be convinced not to, and we
#Covidmeasures #NaomiWolf #vaccines
#vaccines #NaomiWolf #Covidmeasures