Shu Daizi · @SDZ
274 followers · 3392 posts · Server

It turns out the train isn't really even that crazy. It's like, got weird snacks in the dining car and the hot water isn't really that hot. The seats are comfy and they tilt back nicely. I mean, it's more of a odd train at most.

Would ride again.

#musicalproductreview #CrazyTrain #ozzy

Last updated 1 year ago

Lord of The Dud · @BackFromTheDud
334 followers · 6044 posts · Server

@spennington "Shocking"? He's SEVENTY FOUR!! Ozzy did more drugs before he was 30 than most people can do in a whole lifetime (Keith Richards excepted)! The REAL "Health shock" is that Ozzy has made it to 74!


Last updated 1 year ago

brainwise · @brainwise
75 followers · 229 posts · Server

On a lighter note (or series of them), today marks the fifth anniversary of Ozzy's "Crazy Jingle Bells Train"! You see, five years ago, my friend Cam told me that a jingle bell rhythm track makes any song a Christmas song. So, here once again, is my holiday remix of Ozzy's "Crazy Train"!

#santaozzy #ozzy #CrazyTrain #JingleBells #christmas

Last updated 2 years ago

brainwise · @brainwise
85 followers · 267 posts · Server

On a lighter note (or series of them), today marks the fifth anniversary of Ozzy's "Crazy Jingle Bells Train"! You see, five years ago, my friend Cam told me that a jingle bell rhythm track makes any song a Christmas song. So, here once again, is my holiday remix of Ozzy's "Crazy Train"!

#santaozzy #ozzy #CrazyTrain #JingleBells #christmas

Last updated 2 years ago

Patricio Bateman · @PatricioBateman
330 followers · 4609 posts · Server

Nos pareció apropiado musicalizar este hecho con , de la carrera solista de . Una canción, al contrario de lo que muchos creen, que habla sobre la guerra fría

#CrazyTrain #ozzyosbourne

Last updated 3 years ago