Please enjoy the Column: #FlyMeToTheMoon by #cynthiaannlublink (Page 39) #mockingowlroost #triannualissue #overcoming #columnist #creativenonfiction #writer #writerscommunity
(Pictured is a restaurant with a microphone in the foreground. The title and byline are in white print over the picture.)
#flymetothemoon #cynthiaannlublink #mockingowlroost #triannualissue #overcoming #columnist #CreativeNonfiction #writer #writerscommunity
We start our Labor Day Literary Festival with a #creativenonfiction. Please enjoy #Incredible by #AngelaTownsend. #mockingowlroost #blog #writerscommunity #writer #catnonfiction #essay
(Pictured is a collage of cats, with a heart in the middle of the collage.)
#CreativeNonfiction #incredible #angelatownsend #mockingowlroost #blog #writerscommunity #writer #catnonfiction #essay
Sometimes you just need to know that you are being heard. Please enjoy this nonfiction #CanYouHearMeNow by #Reneeburnslonner (Page 37) #mockingowlroost #triannualissue #overcoming #creativenonfiction #nonfiction #writerscommunity #writer
(Pictured is a woman with headphones in standing in front of a window.)
#overcoming #CreativeNonfiction #nonfiction #writerscommunity #writer #canyouhearmenow #reneeburnslonner #mockingowlroost #triannualissue
new post on my blog. if you're interested in #CreativeNonFiction and stories of #survival, check it out (it's part of a series)
CW: #rape
#CreativeNonfiction #survival #rape
Nonfiction is perfect for a lovelyThursday afternoon. Please enjoy #TheMorningTheNannyWasLate by #CLSSandoval. #mockingowlroost #blog #creativenonfiction #writer #writerscommunity
(Pictured is a green background with the title and byline in light green print.)
#themorningthenannywaslate #clssandoval #mockingowlroost #blog #CreativeNonfiction #writer #writerscommunity
SUBMISSIONS ARE OPEN for the upcoming issue #UnexpectedDelights of the #mockingowlroost. This period closes August 31st.
We are looking for your #shortfiction #serializedfiction #creativenonfiction #essays #opinionpieces #poetry (just one poem per author) #artwork #photography #bookreviews #lyrics #music #videos
Please submit your work to:
Be sure to follow the guidelines for submission.
We look forward to your work!
#unexpecteddelights #mockingowlroost #shortfiction #serializedfiction #CreativeNonfiction #essays #opinionpieces #poetry #artwork #photography #bookreviews #lyrics #music #videos
SUBMISSIONS ARE OPEN for the upcoming issue #Joy of the #mockingowlroost. This period closes August 31st.
We are looking for your #shortfiction #serializedfiction #creativenonfiction #essays #opinionpieces #poetry (just one poem per author) #artwork #photography #bookreviews #lyrics #music #videos
Please submit your work to:
Be sure to follow the guidelines for submission.
We look forward to your work!
#joy #mockingowlroost #shortfiction #serializedfiction #CreativeNonfiction #essays #opinionpieces #poetry #artwork #photography #bookreviews #lyrics #music #videos
I am so thrilled that The Back Rom is up and running! A great online magazine of excellent Bay Area (and farther afield) writers and artists. Highly recommend these essays -- and especially this one, on climate change, and dessert, and Italy, and travel:
Cladia La Rocco is a great editor and I am glad she's curating this for all of us who appreciate great lyrical critical writing. Thanks to Small Press Traffic for making this happen!
#CNF #CreativeNonFiction #ArtCriticism #SmallPressTraffic #Critic
#cnf #CreativeNonfiction #artcriticism #smallpresstraffic #critic
SUBMISSIONS ARE OPEN for the upcoming issue #UnexpectedDelights of the #mockingowlroost. This period closes August 31st.
We are looking for your #shortfiction #serializedfiction #creativenonfiction #essays #opinionpieces #poetry (just one poem per author) #artwork #photography #bookreviews #lyrics #music #videos
Please submit your work to:
Be sure to follow the guidelines for submission.
We look forward to your work!
#unexpecteddelights #mockingowlroost #shortfiction #serializedfiction #CreativeNonfiction #essays #opinionpieces #poetry #artwork #photography #bookreviews #lyrics #music #videos
Canada Geese are one of the most beautiful birds. Enjoy #MyFavoriteThingsCanadaGeese by #suecook #mockingowlroost #blog #myfavoritethings #creativenonfiction #canadageese
(Pictures are Canada Geese on a swimming with the forest behind them.)
#myfavoritethingscanadageese #suecook #mockingowlroost #blog #myfavoritethings #CreativeNonfiction #canadageese
The Gods of humankind are found in the most unlikely of places. Enjoy #TheGodofMcDonalds by #suecook #mockingowlroost #PositivityCorner #blog #creativenonfiction
(Pictured is a McDonalds, surrounded by a brown border, with the title and byline in tan.)
#thegodofmcdonalds #suecook #mockingowlroost #positivitycorner #blog #CreativeNonfiction
Some people really love to be out in Nature. Others… Please enjoy #ihatenature #essay by #JeremiahG #mockingowlroost #blog #essay #natureessay #creativenonfiction #writer #writerscommunity
(Pictured is a vibrant bird on a green/black background. The title and byline are in white lettering.)
#ihatenature #essay #jeremiahg #mockingowlroost #blog #natureessay #CreativeNonfiction #writer #writerscommunity
Who loves Taco Tuesdays? If so, please enjoy #tacotuesdayanyday by #danareeves #mockingowlroost #PositivityCorner #blog #inspirational #writer #creativenonfiction #writerscommunity
(Pictured is a table with all the fixings for tacos, and other food/beverages.There is a hand on the table. The byline and title are in white lettering over the picture.)
#tacotuesdayanyday #danareeves #mockingowlroost #positivitycorner #blog #inspirational #writer #CreativeNonfiction #writerscommunity
Do you have a bucket list? What about shifting that mindset to a whistle list instead. Enjoy #ForgetABucketListTryAWhistleListInstead by #ritamockpike #mockingowlroost #blog #travelforcreatives #inspiration #creativenonfiction #writer #travelwriter #writerscommunity
(Pictures is a marathon race with the title and byline in white on a blue background.)
#forgetabucketlisttryawhistlelistinstead #ritamockpike #mockingowlroost #blog #travelforcreatives #inspiration #CreativeNonfiction #writer #travelwriter #writerscommunity
The deadline to submit for the upcoming issue, Overcoming is TODAY, June 21st. Be sure to read the guidelines before submitting. Please mark your submissions “Overcoming” for this issue. #mockingowlroost #triannualissue #Overcoming #fiction #poetry #creativenonfiction #essays #art #scripts #spokenword #photography
(Pictures is a slice of lemon with words written in black over the yellow background & picture.)
#mockingowlroost #triannualissue #overcoming #fiction #poetry #CreativeNonfiction #essays #art #scripts #spokenword #photography
The deadline to submit for the upcoming issue, Overcoming is June 21st. Be sure to read the guidelines before submitting. Please mark your submissions “Overcoming” for this issue. Looking forward to your submissions. #mockingowlroost #triannualissue #Overcoming #fiction #poetry #creativenonfiction #essays #art #scripts #spokenword #photography
(Pictured are seashells on a beach)
#mockingowlroost #triannualissue #overcoming #fiction #poetry #CreativeNonfiction #essays #art #scripts #spokenword #photography
Happy Juneteenth from all of us at the #mockingowlroost! Enjoy #juneteenthisonlythebeginning by #suecook
#mockingowlroost #blog #inspiration #creativenonfiction
(Pictured is a Juneteenth parade. The title and byline are in purple blocks of color around the picture.)
#mockingowlroost #juneteenthisonlythebeginning #suecook #blog #inspiration #CreativeNonfiction
The deadline to submit for the upcoming issue, Overcoming is June 21st. Be sure to read the guidelines before submitting. Please mark your submissions “Overcoming” for this issue. Looking forward to your submissions. #mockingowlroost #triannualissue #Overcoming #fiction #poetry #creativenonfiction #essays #art #scripts #spokenword #photography
#mockingowlroost #triannualissue #overcoming #fiction #poetry #CreativeNonfiction #essays #art #scripts #spokenword #photography
So many amazing finds in the issue #unknownandunseen. Enjoy!!! #mockingowlroost #triannualissue #fiction #poetry #art #creativenonfiction
(Pictured is the cover of the latest issue Unknown and unseen. The picture is of a person with a large click. The words are written in white and blue)
#unknownandunseen #mockingowlroost #triannualissue #fiction #poetry #art #CreativeNonfiction
Storms mean something different to each person . It can be a welcomed friend, or a terrifying event. Enjoy #MyFavoriteThings #StormSeason by #katiedaniels. #mockingowltravel #blog #myfavoritethings #creativenonfiction #writer #writerscommunity
(Pictured is a storm with lightning. The title and byline are written in white letters across the sky.)
#myfavoritethings #stormseason #katiedaniels #mockingowltravel #blog #CreativeNonfiction #writer #writerscommunity