Zum Frühstück gab es heute #Creed3 Rockys Legacy und ich fand ihn Super! Jonathan Majors war ein starker Gegner für Michael B. Jordan 🤜
Ich finde es ist jetzt eine sehr gute und tolle Trilogie die den Geist der Rocky Filme in sich trägt und auch etwas ganz eigenes geworden ist.
※Dolby Cinema®版では特別短編の上映はありません。
ICYMI: Baba Yaga returns as John Wick: Chapter 4 kicks down the door and storms its way to the top of this weeks Box Office Report. Oh, and Shazam is having another bad week
#BoxOfficeReport #BoxOffice #JohnWick4 #ShazamFuryOfTheGods #Creed3
#Film #Movie
#boxofficereport #boxoffice #JohnWick4 #shazamfuryofthegods #Creed3 #film #movie
Baba Yaga returns as John Wick: Chapter 4 kicks down the door and storms its way to the top of this weeks Box Office Report. Oh, and Shazam is having another bad week.
#BoxOfficeReport #BoxOffice #JohnWick4 #ShazamFuryOfTheGods #Creed3
#Film #Movie
#boxofficereport #boxoffice #JohnWick4 #shazamfuryofthegods #Creed3 #film #movie
Baba Yaga returns as John Wick: Chapter 4 kicks down the door and storms its way to the top of this weeks Box Office Report. Oh, and Shazam is having another bad week.
#BoxOfficeReport #BoxOffice #JohnWick4 #ShazamFuryOfTheGods #Creed3
#Film #Movie
#boxofficereport #boxoffice #JohnWick4 #shazamfuryofthegods #Creed3 #film #movie
ICYMI: Scream VI slashes its way to the top of the box office chart on this week's Box Office Report. Will Ghostface be able to keep killing the competition though?
#BoxOfficeReport #BoxOffice #Cinema #Film #ScreamVI #65Movie #Creed3
#boxofficereport #boxoffice #cinema #film #screamvi #65movie #Creed3
Scream VI slashes its way to the top of the box office chart on this week's Box Office Report. Will Ghostface be able to keep killing the competition though?
#BoxOfficeReport #BoxOffice #Cinema #Film #ScreamVI #65Movie #Creed3
#boxofficereport #boxoffice #cinema #film #screamvi #65movie #Creed3
Scream VI slashes its way to the top of the box office chart on this week's Box Office Report. Will Ghostface be able to keep killing the competition though?
#BoxOfficeReport #BoxOffice #Cinema #Film #ScreamVI #65Movie #Creed3
#boxofficereport #boxoffice #cinema #film #screamvi #65movie #Creed3
Mixed Bag Watch: I Saw Three Movies This Weekend #CocaineBear #65 #Creed3 http://gsllcblog.com/2023/03/14/mixedbagwatchisawthreemoviesthisweekend/
ICYMI: With #Creed3 punching it's way through box office records left and right you can still catch our review of the first 'Creed' movie. Mike was joined by returning guest and friend of the show @beanieballerssocal to give their thoughts on everything from local delicacies to the #Rocky legacy. It's a knockout! 🥊
Damn. The first two Creed films were excellent. They followed the formula from the (good) prior movies, but not precisely. And #Creed3 will add #JonathanMajors into the mix? I'm looking forward to seeing it.
We go back to 1973 for this week's deep-dive as we delve into #TheExorcist, generally considered one of the best horror films of all time - but is that deserved?
We also review #Creed3, #Living, and #Luther : Fallen Sun, as well as cover our thoughts on the return of The Mandalorian to Disney+.
News, box office, neat things and chat round it all off as usual.
#film #films #movies #reviews #news #cinema #podcast #chat
#theexorcist #Creed3 #living #Luther #film #films #movies #reviews #news #cinema #podcast #chat
Screen to myself? Don't mind if I do. Been a while since I was at my beloved #EverymanYork at 9.30am on a Sunday for a solo film.
#everymanyork #nowwatching #Creed3
#creed3 was good, not great. Felt a bit too short. And kinda unsatisfying. I would have ended it differently, but then, this is probably why I don't get to make movies.
#DailyStream: if you can't get to the multiplex this weekend, get that #Creed3 feeling with Ryan Coogler’s 2015 #Creed. It's a satisfying new chapter in Rocky’s tale — one that feels natural and organic, not forced by the dictates of movie franchises. @hbomax US, @primevideouk
Our Creed III review is now live!
Where does this one stand among the others?
#moviereviews #jonathanmajors #MichaelBJordan #Creed3
Adonis Creed joins Fortnite this week. Creed's outfit will be available in the Item Shop starting 2nd of March.