Sheikh Hassan Youssef, a prominent leader of the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas, will finally be released from Israeli prison today, Sunday. Owais, Sheikh Youssef’s son, announced that the family will celebrate his release at their home after the Beitunia club management refused to rent out their hall due to pressure from authorities.

#israel #CriminalState #apartheid #CrimesOfIsrael #violence

Last updated 1 year ago

mayor brands Israel apartheid state, cuts ties

The mayor of Barcelona has severed her city’s official ties with Israel, accusing the country of “the crime of apartheid against the Palestinian people.”

#apartheid #CrimesOfIsrael #barcelona

Last updated 2 years ago

They keep calling the of "escalation"

Concerns over escalating violence after Israeli forces kill nine Palestinians during West Bank raid

Palestinian militants fired rockets from Gaza on Friday morning, to which Israel responded with missile strikes

#genocide #palestinians #press #CrimesOfIsrael #IsraelCriminalState #extremeright

Last updated 2 years ago

Israel announces new rules for foreigners in West Bank

An Israeli military body has released a list of rules and restriction for foreigners wanting to enter Palestinian areas of the West Bank, extending its control of daily life and movement in and out of the occupied territory

#WestBankInvaders #UNaccomplice #freepalestine #invaders #stateviolence #CrimesOfIsrael #CriminalState #apartheid

Last updated 2 years ago

"I have held for a long time that the Occupied Territories are much worse than South Africa. South Africa needed its black population, it relied on them,” Chomsky said."

#EndIsraelInvasion #freepalestine #genocide #apartheid #CrimesOfIsrael

Last updated 2 years ago

Catholic leaders slam Israeli attack on mourners carrying slain journalist's casket

Catholic leaders have accused Israel of violating human rights and freedom of religion norms by attacking mourners carrying the coffin of Al Jazeera journali...

#CriminalState #violence #freepalestine #invaders #CrimesOfIsrael

Last updated 3 years ago

They are not settlers. They are invaders.

East Jerusalem was not occupied. It was invaded.

is a state that a long time ago eliminated the Palestinian state

What’s happening in Shiekh Jarrah?

Residents of the Palestinian neighbourhood of Sheikh Jarrah in occupied East Jerusalem say a growing Israeli police and settler presence in the area is layin...

#CrimesOfIsrael #apartheid #criminal #israel

Last updated 3 years ago

"En pleine , par deux degrés sous zéro, une pelleteuse dépêchée par la mairie de a fini par détruire la maison d’une famille de fleuristes palestiniens, située dans le quartier de Cheikh Jarrah, à Jérusalem-Est, mercredi 19 janvier"

#CriminalState #CrimesOfIsrael #jérusalem #nuit

Last updated 3 years ago

Une famille palestinienne expulsée par la israélienne d’un quartier sensible de Jérusalem-Est

Le secteur de Cheikh Jarrah, grignoté par les colons juifs, avait été l’épicentre des émeutes, qui avaient déclenché une guerre à en mai.

#gaza #police #CriminalState #CrimesOfIsrael

Last updated 3 years ago

The West Bank is not occupied. It is invaded

Nablus protests: Israeli soldiers injure 240 Palestinians

Israeli soldiers have injured more than 240 Palestinian protesters in the town of Burqa, north of Nablus. according to the Palestinian Red Crescent.Israeli f...


Last updated 3 years ago

Israeli blockade: Gaza shipbuilders struggle to get supplies

Israel's 14-year-old blockade of Gaza has made it difficult for many businesses to survive.It has also put a ship-building project there that supports 15 low...

#palestine #gaza #apartheid #CrimesOfIsrael #IsraelCriminalState

Last updated 3 years ago