I am now listening to Bowl Man by Cro-Magnon #CroMagnon
I am now listening to Bowl Man by Cro-Magnon #CroMagnon
The Man From Earth, I don't know how often I've watched this #film so far, but after all these times, it's still such a great #movie to watch...
The premise, what if your friend claims to have been born as a #CroMagnon, and has thus supposedly has lived for thousands of years, is such an intriguing one.
The setting, your friend's home and yard, and the company of friends, is so uncomplicated and low-budget, which really helps put the focus on the story.
It does feature familiar actors, but I don't feel like they have been type-cast, and they just feel right for the roles. Actors include #TonyTodd (known for playing #Kurn on #StarTrek) and #JohnBillingsley (#DoctorPhlox on #STEnterprise), #RichardRiehle (who played #Batai on the excellent episode The Inner Light, but also Seamus in the Voyager holodeck episodes), which is kinda fitting as the story is based on a 1969 Star Trek episode called 'Requiem for Methuselah', which was also written by #JeromeBixby.
Other actors include #EllenAnnCrawford (known for her role as Nurse Lydia Wright on ER), #AlexisAnnThorpe (Days of Our Lives), #WilliamKatt (The Greatest American Hero), #DavidLeeSmith and #AnnikaPeterson.
#film #movie #CroMagnon #TonyTodd #Kurn #startrek #JohnBillingsley #DoctorPhlox #stenterprise #RichardRiehle #Batai #JeromeBixby #EllenAnnCrawford #AlexisAnnThorpe #WilliamKatt #DavidLeeSmith #AnnikaPeterson #FilmsFiXatoWatches #FiXatoRecommends
Que les #néandertaliens se soient fait des pendeloques av des serres d'aigle n'est en soi guère étonnant. Que cette habitude fusse restreinte à une région, non plus. Ms que ce fusse une tradition pdt… 80.000 ans, c'est juste 🤯!
Sur bien des aspects, ce qui m'étonne le plus chez les néandertaliens,c'est cette stabilité comportementale et technique sur des longueurs de tps ahurissantes.
#CroMagnon devait être un hyperactif à la créativité débordante comparé à #Néandertal.
#néandertaliens #CroMagnon #néandertal