#crossoverfanfiction #crossoverfandom. I'm prewriting In Every Nothing first chapter and it's difficult for me to do an introduction between canon characters from different series without messing up their canon personalities, traits, etc. Writing crossover fanfiction, in general, is very difficult because you need to explain why canon characters coexisted in the same universe. What if I wanted to write it for my pleasure? I can't please everyone. I just keep trying with my fanon crossovers.
#CrossoverFanfiction #CrossoverFandom
So, I've been active on my crossover discord server, sharing my fanon crossover ideas, doing random scripts, and just chilling with my fellow crossover fans. Sadly, the server is private for now because I don't think it'd be interesting to the public. All I've been doing for my crossover fanworks is prewriting. Because I have such low confidence in my writing skills, I'm not sure if Vicinity: Akademi would be updated this year. #CrossoverFanfiction #CrossoverFandom #CrossoverAU #Crossovers
#CrossoverFanfiction #CrossoverFandom #CrossoverAU #crossovers
#KonjikiNoGashBell #ZatchBell #MixMeiseiStory #CrossoverPairing #CrossoverFandom #Crossover My main crossover love ❤️
#konjikinogashbell #zatchbell #MixMeiseiStory #CrossoverPairing #CrossoverFandom #crossover
#FruitsBasket #MixMeiseiStory #CrossoverPairing #CrossoverFandom #Crossover I still ship them 😍
#fruitsbasket #MixMeiseiStory #CrossoverPairing #CrossoverFandom #crossover
#CrossoverPairing #ZombielandSaga #MobPsycho100 #CrossoverFandom #Crossover My first Yaoi crossover pairing 😜
#CrossoverPairing #zombielandsaga #mobpsycho100 #CrossoverFandom #crossover