Sometimes, I have strange dreams so maybe I can use these dreams as ideas for my future crossover fanfics.
I finally updated Vicinity: Akademi this year. Don't know when I'd prewrite the next chapter. I am still on a break from Nothingverse while deciding if I should finally write Paperverse or Plasticverse next.
As for my other crossover AUs such as Traverse, Silentverse, and my other ones, I feel no motivation. =(
So, the prewriting outline for Vicinity: Akademi chapter 2 is finally done. However, I'm taking break from writing or I should say that I am too distracted by Nothingverse to write chapter 2. I'm currently doing edits or revisions on the previous chapters of Nothingverse right now which it totally sucks because I wanted to work on Vicinity: Akademi once again. I also want to write Plasticverse and Paperverse. I have too many crossover AUs to focus on lol.
#CrossoverFanfiction #Crossovers #CrossoverAUs
The prewriting outline for Vicinity: Akademi: chapter 2 is still in my documents, but I'm not feeling it. It's going to be three years since I last updated my Yandere Simulator x Other series crossover fanfiction. I have cool ideas for the crossfic and still think about Vicinity: Akademi sometimes, but the motivation to write isn't always there. I guess I am focusing too much on Nothingverse to get crap done for my other crossover AUs.
#CrossoverFanfiction #crossovers #CrossoverAUs
#Crossovers #CrossoverFanfiction #CrossoverAUs
Nothingverse Updates (11/16/22):
For the meantime, I will be writing crossover drabbles/oneshots and try to revisit one of my old crossover AUs. In fact, I still need to work on the prewriting outline for Vicinity: Akademi chapter 2 which it is so overdue lmao. I haven't updated that crossover fanfic since 2020 holy shit.
And post crossovers memes on my deviantart because it's the only way to stay active on DeviantART lol
#crossovers #CrossoverFanfiction #CrossoverAUs
#CrossoverFanfiction #Crossovers #CrossoverAUs Finally, I'm done with a mini arc for Nothingverse. Now, I'll taking a break from Nothingverse as I am deciding if I should do a two month timeskip in the next chapter or not. For meantime, I'll focus on Vicinity: Akademi or write crossover oneshots/drabbles or try to get back to my other crossover AUs. Oh, right! I updated my crossovers fansite with a FAQ page: and you can read musings about a old Crossover OTP of mine.
#CrossoverFanfiction #crossovers #CrossoverAUs
#CrossoverFanfiction I am prewriting Vicinity: Akademi's chapter 2 and In Every Nothing's chapter 4. I am working on the prewriting outlines slowly so I don't burn out so easily. It's been two years since I updated Vicinity: Akademi and I am glad I finally found the muse to work on my YanSim x Other Series AU crossover fanfiction again. I already planned a few story arcs and mini-arcs. You can read my blog posts here: for meantime.
#CrossoverFanfiction #Crossovers (Nothingverse) I removed my crossover fanfiction, In Every Nothing from AO3 because the kudos bot was bothering me too much. Currently working on a timeline and will rewrite chapter 1. If not, then chapter 1 will be revised. I've been so lazy to do any work on my crossover AUs and my writing confidence doesn't help at all. I should get back to writing drabbles and practice my writing more or else I will never get better at writing and I will remain mediocre.
#CrossoverFanfiction #crossovers
#CrossoverFanfiction #Crossovers (Nothingverse) Finally, I'm finished with the rewrite of chapter 1. It took me two days to write it. Over 6'000 words. Holy shit, was I trying to match the length of a novel chapter? Prior to rewriting the chapter, I did a prewriting online document last Wednesday and that took me a day. Then, I rechecked the document two days later on the last Saturday. The reason why the chapter was long cuz there are a lot of canon characters. I do feel proud of myself. =D
#CrossoverFanfiction #crossovers
#CrossoverFanfiction Update on my current crossover fanfiction: I decided to rewrite In Every Nothing, so I've deleted the original chapters. Those chapters are gone from the internet and my laptop. The only original chapter I have is the Prologue chapter. I apologize for the inconvenience. The spelling and grammar errors and inaccuracy were too much for me to edit every time and it gets tiredness especially when I'd have reuploaded the chapters on AO3, FF Net , DeviantArt, and WattPad. 😩
#CrossoverFanfiction My writing muse has been so high lately. I started new crossover fanfic and I already posted three chapters respectively. I will take a break today from writing and will resume prewriting the next chapter tomorrow. If I keep writing without taking breaks, then I'd feel burnt out and that's the last thing I want. I've already linked to the chapters on my crossover Twitter: and actually got a positive comment on my AO3. I feel so motivated. 🙂
#crossoverfanfiction #crossoverfandom. I'm prewriting In Every Nothing first chapter and it's difficult for me to do an introduction between canon characters from different series without messing up their canon personalities, traits, etc. Writing crossover fanfiction, in general, is very difficult because you need to explain why canon characters coexisted in the same universe. What if I wanted to write it for my pleasure? I can't please everyone. I just keep trying with my fanon crossovers.
#CrossoverFanfiction #CrossoverFandom
So, I've been active on my crossover discord server, sharing my fanon crossover ideas, doing random scripts, and just chilling with my fellow crossover fans. Sadly, the server is private for now because I don't think it'd be interesting to the public. All I've been doing for my crossover fanworks is prewriting. Because I have such low confidence in my writing skills, I'm not sure if Vicinity: Akademi would be updated this year. #CrossoverFanfiction #CrossoverFandom #CrossoverAU #Crossovers
#CrossoverFanfiction #CrossoverFandom #CrossoverAU #crossovers
#CrossoverFanfiction Resident Dead Crisis. That's the title for my upcoming Resident Evil, The House Of The Dead, and Time Crisis crossover fanfiction. Yes, I know the title is so lame and dumb, but I suck at titles lmao. Also, it will be faithful to the original THOT2's time period, so it's the early 2000s in the crossover fanfiction. Now, I just need to find a way to fit the Time Crisis's and Resident Evil's canon timelines into The House Of The Dead 2's one. Hmm. 🤔
#CrossoverFanfiction Vicinity: Akademi Update (10/5/2020): The first chapter (rough draft) is finally finished! However, I won't post the chapter until I finalized it via edits or revises. The rough draft has 6032 words. That's about 32 pages! It may be shorter if I ended up removing some unnecessary stuff. =D
#CrossoverFanfiction Vicnity: Akademi Update (9/15/2020): I'm working on a rough draft of Chapter 1 slowly. After I'm finished with the rough draft, I may go back to the Prologue chapter and edited/retcon some parts after I reread the Prologue chapter. I apologize to the my readers who are still waiting for Chapter 1 since last year. It will take me a while to finish up everything. I hope you look forward to the first chapter of my Yandere Simulator x Other Series crossover fanfiction!
#CrossoverFanfiction Well, it looks like I'm back to square one on my crossover fanfiction, Vicinity: Akademi. Earlier on this month, I finally worked more on the outline for chapter 1 and I was almost finish with the outline. Then, like a moron I am, I forgot to save it to my onedrive and USB and restart my laptop. When I checked it again, the document's last update was on February of this year. Yeah, blame my dumbassness for this mistake.
What is difficult for me to write a Konjiki No gash Bell (Zatch Bell!) and whatever crossover fanfiction is Gash/Zatch and his kind. At most times, I don't know what to do with them. Canonically, they're from a different world and they're magical beings. Supposedly, I could always portrayed the Mamodo/Mamono as ordinary people but, I still don't have ideas for them to coexist. It is indeed sad for me as a Zatch Bell fan. #ZatchBell #KonjikiNoGashBell #CrossoverFanfiction #Crossovers
#zatchbell #konjikinogashbell #CrossoverFanfiction #crossovers