Bornholm, a Danish island with a population of about 40,000, is trying to achieve a zero carbon society by 2025 and a zero *waste* society by 2032. Great #CrowdScience podcast that looks into how they are doing this.
Inspiring to hear of communities that are pushing hard for more #sustainability.
What does a sustainable life look like? — CrowdScience
#CrowdScience #sustainability #recycling #netzero #bbc
On the #BBC #WorldService in about 30 mins (7:32 GMT): #CrowdScience seems an answer to the question "Is anybody out there?" The program features me among others discussing the #DrakeEquation and the prospects for finding #alienlife
#bbc #worldservice #CrowdScience #drakeequation #alienlife
Wer Lust auf #CrowdScience hat, kann hier bei #zooniverse im neuen Projekt #beaversfromspace #biber|dämme suchen und markieren.
Es gibt auch noch viele andere Projekte von Echsen und Co auf #galapagos bei #iguanasfromabove oder #hai|filmchen bei #sharkspy bis hin zum #cloudspottingonmars mit Spektralaufnahmen vom #mars
#mars #cloudspottingonmars #sharkspy #hai #iguanasfromabove #galapagos #biber #beaversfromspace #zooniverse #CrowdScience
Great to be out at #JodrellBank this afternoon to record for the #BBCWorldService #CrowdScience programme with presenter Marnie Chesterton and producer Phil Sansom. The weather played ball, so we were able to record outside. However, the #woodpeckers were determined to be heard! The program, on the #DrakeEquation and the possibility of life elsewhere in the #Galaxy, should appear in mid April on the BBC World Service and on BBC Sounds.
#jodrellbank #BBCWorldService #CrowdScience #woodpeckers #drakeequation #galaxy
CrowdScience listener David was playing snooker in Thailand when he started thinking how such a smooth ball was dependent on the rough green baize of the table to bring it to a stop. Would it be possible to play snooker at all in a completely frictionless universe?
Sometimes friction produces heat. Could we ever control it completely?
We try to reduce friction in some cases by using lubricants...
[CrowdScience] What is friction? #crowdscience via @PodcastAddict
BBC World Service - #CrowdScience, How do we behave in crowds?
Where do we go when the seas rise?
2nd of two #BBCWorldService #CrowdScience series by @amsterdammed on #SeaLevelRise from #Greenland and #Antarctica + all the small #Glaciers.
Some fantastic in depth #ClimateAdaptation stuff from #Colombia, #India, US + Greenland as well, worth a listen...
#india #colombia #climateadaptation #glaciers #antarctica #Greenland #sealevelrise #CrowdScience #BBCWorldService
This week’s #CrowdScience podcast nicely covering our and work on the Greenland ice sheet: