For all those who are on the side of #sagaftra & #WGA, please consider how you feel about the #Waymo / #Cruise situation in San Francisco...and how THAT is taking jobs away as well.
All I'm saying is #AI and #MachineLearning is doing more than threatening video you watch. It is threatening how you get to work - and play - as well.
#rideshare drivers (especially GOOD rideshare drivers) affect your everyday life as well. And are you ready for the changes this will bring?
#sagaftra #WGA #waymo #Cruise #ai #machinelearning #rideshare
“Driverless car companies might say they care about disability access. But… I found many reasons to be skeptical that the disability rights angle is more than just window dressing for the pursuit of profit.” - @witchcore
Yes, to Cruise Hive using more of my cruising images. No, to Royal Caribbean International charging for pizza.
#photography #stockphotography #cruise
#photography #stockphotography #Cruise
#CPUC just approved, 3-1, unlimited #robotaxi expansion in SF, despite hours of comment in opposition, overwhelming daily evidence the technology is far from ready, and a lack of accountability (the cars cannot be issued moving violations. Like, at all).
This was expected, but it's still infuriating and corrupt. One of the commissioners was a high ranking official at #Cruise just over a year ago and didn't recuse himself.
Just the beginning. The fight continues.
Carnival Luminosa in Skagway, Alaska
#photography #cruise #Carnival #Alaska #Skagway
#photography #Cruise #carnival #alaska #skagway
Thank you to Dispatchist for buying one of my Labadee images.
#photography #stockphotography #cruise #Labadee #Haiti
#photography #stockphotography #Cruise #labadee #Haiti
A Genuine Banger ! "I Got Hit By A #robotaxi !"
#DriverlessCars #Waymo #SanFrancisco #Lyft #Uber #Pedestrians #Cruise
#robotaxi #driverlesscars #waymo #sanfrancisco #lyft #uber #pedestrians #Cruise
Christopher McQuarrie and Tom Cruise explain Cruise's death-defying bike stunt in 'MI7' #ChristopherMcQuarrieandTomCruise #Cruise #MI #socialnewsxyz
#socialnewsxyz #mi #Cruise #christophermcquarrieandtomcruise
The #cruise I'm on ends in 2 hours. It's been a wonderful experience these last 2 weeks. I'm going to miss being pampered and cared for every day...
During Day Five of my solo kayak journey around the world... I mean family #cruise... we're in #Kotor, #Montenegro. We barely got off the ship today as the kid was out too late with friends last night and my wife had a migraine. But I'm going to make sure everyone gets a good night's sleep for #Sicily (specifically #Messina) tomorrow.
#Cruise #kotor #montenegro #sicily #Messina
If any of y'all need transport from #MCO (#Orlando) or #TPA (#Tampa) to/from #DisneyWorld area or #PortCanaveral for a #Disney #Cruise , give me a yell, k?
"That's what I do. It's what I live for!" 😂 #PatCarroll #PoorUnfortunateSouls #TheLittleMermaid
#mco #orlando #tpa #tampa #disneyworld #portcanaveral #disney #Cruise #patcarroll #poorunfortunatesouls #TheLittleMermaid
And the #cruise begins... I'm having a nice glass of Pinot Noir while relaxing in the lounge before dinner. Feeling so at peace and stress free right now.
Now I want to be a #fireman / #firefighter, just to have a justification for putting a fire #axe through the windshield of an automated murderbot.
#fireman #firefighter #axe #fireaxe #murderbot #Cruise #Waymo
Στην εκδήλωση συζητήθηκαν οι προοπτικές στενότερης συνεργασίας για να υποστηριχθούν οι προορισμοί κρουαζιέρας στην ΕΕ, έχοντας ως προτεραιότητα την προστασία του περιβάλλοντος καθώς και τη διασφάλιση όρων κοινωνικής και οικονομικής προόδου στις τοπικές κοινωνίες. #cruise #CLIA…
RT @WIC_News: MEP Elena Kountoura and CLIA hosts event for sustainable development of cruise destinations in EU
#wicnews #Sustainability #sustainabledevelopment #EuropeanUnion #CLIA #cruise @ElenaKountoura @CLIAEurope @EP_Industry @CristianSBusoi @SYRIZAEP
#wicnews #sustainability #SustainableDevelopment #EuropeanUnion #CLIA #Cruise
Στην ειδική εκδήλωση-ημερίδα που συνδιοργανώσαμε με την CLIA στο Ευρωκοινοβούλιο, με στόχο την συνεργασία για την βιώσιμη ανάπτυξη των προορισμών κρουαζιέρας στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση. #sustainable #cruise
#PhotoMonday #panoramic #london #thames #river #Cruise #BigBen #parliamentbuildings #UK #architecture #architravel #travelphotography #photography #photo from 2016.
#photo #Photomonday #panoramic #london #thames #river #Cruise #BigBen #parliamentbuildings #uk #architecture #architravel #travelphotography #photography
Shoal Bay East in Anguilla is paradise! White sand #beaches, turquoise water and good #snorkeling. Here is more information on the best things to see and do?
Check out my blog:
#Travel #cruise #beach #BUCKETLIST
#beaches #snorkeling #travel #Cruise #beach #bucketlist