Crusader Kings 3 has sold 3 million copies and ruined a lot of weddings in the three years since it released - #MultiplayerCompetitive #ParadoxInteractive #Birdview/Isometric #CrusaderKingsIII #CrusaderKings3 #XboxSeriesX/S #SinglePlayer #Simulation #Strategy #Text #PS5 #RPG #PC
#pc #rpg #ps5 #text #strategy #simulation #singleplayer #XboxSeriesX #CrusaderKings3 #CrusaderKingsIII #birdview #paradoxinteractive #multiplayercompetitive
Are there gamers out there who play #grandstrategy #games?
For example #victoria3 #crusaderkings3 or #4x like #ageofwonders4
#grandstrategy #games #Victoria3 #CrusaderKings3 #4x #ageofwonders4
Had some issues with #CrusaderKings3 because I installed some mods that may work okay on a PC but on a Mac they make the game really unstable and crash. Or perhaps they had a conflict with other mods I was using.
A real pity because one of them really streamlined guardian assignment/education for children. I might add that one back in without the others and see if it’s okay on its own. 1/?
Enfin 😭 après une 20aine d'essais, 4 siècles IG et +500 membres de ma dynastie (ici ça bz) j'ai enfin conquis et converti l'Afrique avec la Daurama en jouant full matriarcal 👑 #CrusaderKings3 #CK3
In #CrusaderKings3 I am now holding regular tournaments in Oxford because having the University there grants bonuses to the effects of Board Game and Recital tournament events. Having Blacksmiths and Regimental Grounds covers everything else too.
I recently discovered the tech for mills and guilds which really accelerates the pace of discovering innovations/technologies and also enhances my taxation stream so things are good.
Things I like to do in #CrusaderKings3
Throw parties. There is actually a whole series of Dynastic buffs that makes you better at throwing parties and makes it less expensive to throw parties. Parties of various kinds are important for everything from getting vassals to like you to ensuring the success of marriages to recruiting better knights.
Also interesting events happen at parties!
My current ruler in #CrusaderKings3 reformed the majority religion so that fooling around outside the bounds of marriage and same-sex relations are no longer sinful and there’s no such thing as bastardy anymore, so I think at least some of the future sovereigns of my in-game Russian empire are going to be fantastic horndogs.
(They’re also the heads of the new religion I made.)
I am now playing an Intrigue-focused ruler in #CrusaderKings3 and I thought I would not be able to be enough of a bastard to play this style effectively but it turns out I can totally do it because there are a lot of people in this game who are annoying enough to murder.
Also I had to deal with a major vassal revolt early on and once I put it down I executed everyone involved: that kind of set the tone for my whole reign.
LOL got an event in #CrusaderKings3 where I could basically let a Kuzarite courtier convince me, my close family, and a bunch of my vassals to convert, so I’m well on my way to a Jewish Russian empire now. This is very funny to me.
(Personally I think there’s very little basis for the idea that Judaism was a dominant or majority religion in the Khazar Khaganate, it’s just wishcasting that CK3 decided to adopt as canon.)
Thank goodness you can still get achievements with mods in #CrusaderKings3 so I can establish primogeniture (and found the Russian Empire) in the Tribal Era.
Also I notice that the De Jure capital of the Russian Empire is Kyiv. Right now Kyiv belongs to a vassal, but I’ll worry about that later as I need to conquer more De Jure territories before I can found the empire anyway.
Playing as Scotland in #CrusaderKings3 I managed to gain control of all of de jure Scotland, Ireland, and Wales, which was cool. But because of partition succession the kingdoms got split between 3 sons. Ireland went into a civil war almost right away. I might have trouble holding on to Scotland with some of these factions I have going on, even though my military is relatively strong.
Succession is tricky and partition succession sucks, LOL
Things I have learned the hard way in #CrusaderKings3:
1) Don’t make alliances with any Iberians for fuck’s sake, it’s a mess over there.
2) If your Queen keeps producing only daughters in a culture where a single son could inherit everything, maybe you *want* to start fathering some bastards. Or pruning the family tree.
3) Having a ruler with both Sadistic and Generous traits is, uh, interesting.
Now that I am playing #CrusaderKings3 again and there are all these changes I really have to try and do a murder wedding or murder feast some time. Yes, I mean like a Red Wedding, but if you want to use historical examples rather than fictional ones I suppose you should say *Scottish party.*
I also think I have a good enough grasp of the mechanics that I don’t have to play Ireland (basically the tutorial game) next time. I might play England to restore the Empire of Britannia. 1/2
I have been playing #CrusaderKings3 again and I have got a handle on the basics of stuff like marriage, educating children, and court management.
Someone told me that if you start your own religion in this game you should make nudism one of the requirements/traditions of the religion because then you will easily be able to see who has converted.
(Right now I’m not doing anything like that but I am making gender equality part of Irish culture.)
On reprend l'aventure ⚔️
#gaming #CrusaderKings3 #twitch #live
Plus d’extrait des derniers lives sur #CrusaderKings3 🖤
Gestern mal über den #PCGamepass das Game #CrusaderKings3 angespielt.
Irgendwie zündet der Gameplayloop nicht bei mir.
Habe das Tutorialgame (Irland) weitergezockt und auch ganz Irland erobert, aber danach war die Luft raus.
Heiraten,Kind zeugen,Priester beauftragen Anspruch auf Ländereien zu finden, Krieg anzetteln und erobern. Vasallen zur Verwaltung einsetzen und nebenbei bei den aufploppenden Events immer das anklicken, wobei man selbst am besten wegkommt um nicht selbst ermochelt zu werden.
A huge Game Of Thrones mod arrives in Crusader Kings 3 tomorrow - #ParadoxDevelopmentStudio #ParadoxInteractive #AGameofThrones #CrusaderKings3 #Mod
#mod #CrusaderKings3 #agameofthrones #paradoxinteractive #paradoxdevelopmentstudio
Crusader Kings 3's next expansion adds tours, tournaments and grand weddings - #ParadoxDevelopmentStudio #ParadoxInteractive #CrusaderKings3 #Management #Strategy
#strategy #management #CrusaderKings3 #paradoxinteractive #paradoxdevelopmentstudio