@AFMBlab welcome to the :fediverse: spreading the good word of #StructuralBiology about #GlycoBiology, #Disorder , #DrugDesign , #Viruses, #toxines, #crystallography & #CryoEM .
#CryoEM #crystallography #toxines #viruses #drugdesign #disorder #glycobiology #StructuralBiology
Today is the last day to register for the NYC integrative structural biology symposium (#NYCISB23) on Oct 13, 2023.
For more information see:
@SEMC_NYSBC - Providing #cryoEM expertise & resources for understanding molecular & cellular structure
To illustrate the concept of discrete conformational heterogeneity in #cryoEM, I ended up using these two EMDB entries:
- EMD-4774 https://www.ebi.ac.uk/emdb/EMD-4774
- EMD-4780 https://www.ebi.ac.uk/emdb/EMD-4780
When the whole world suddenly wanted to do #cryoEM at the same time (around 2017) and grids were back ordered for months from all makers and distributors. #meme #cryomeme
Nowadays thankfully @quantifoil is on top of things. 👍
(Found from https://wandering.shop/@realtegan/110783287433534108 )
In 2021, I was happy to publish a #cryoEM paper and poster this 🧵 about it on 🐦 : https://twitter.com/Guillawme/status/1442828837251911682
But I had messed up the @emdb_empiar deposition, so the entry was in limbo for a very long time. This got fixed recently, and the entry is finally released now!
You will find the raw movies and extracted particles that were used for the cryoDRGN analysis and the corresponding @PDBeurope deposition (7OTQ).
Very interesting article on #DengueVirus #ReplicationComplex
Structures of dengue virus RNA replicase complexes: Molecular Cell
#polymerase #CryoEM #flaviviridae
#flaviviridae #CryoEM #polymerase #replicationcomplex #denguevirus
Very interesting article on #DengueVirus #ReplicationComplex
Structures of dengue virus RNA replicase complexes: Molecular Cell
#polymerase #CryoEM
#CryoEM #polymerase #replicationcomplex #denguevirus
Now published in the #EMBO Journal, Gautier Courbon compares mycobacterial ATP synthase inhibitors TBAJ-876 (from TBAlliance) & SQ31f (from AstraZeneca, synthesized by Paul Palme in Imming lab Universitat Halle) to the essential #TB medicine bedaquiline (BDQ).
#drug #tuberculosis #CryoEM #TB #embo
Modulating itch sensation: #CryoEM structure of human #ItchReceptor MRGPRX1-Gq complex with agonist reveals a unique agonist recognition pattern compared to other MRGPRXs, with potential therapeutic implications for #ItchRelief & #analgesia #PLOSBiology https://plos.io/3NLqpAA
#plosbiology #analgesia #itchrelief #itchreceptor #CryoEM
In this work, we combine #crystallography, #cryoEM, #AlphaFold predictions, biochemical and mouse studies to unveil the 3D structure of vertebrate egg coat filaments and describe how cleavage of their #ZP2 subunit hardens the coat, establishing a permanent block to #polyspermy.
A very big thank you to all co-authors, collaborators, and funding bodies for making this possible!
#polyspermy #zp2 #alphafold #CryoEM #crystallography
Cryo-EM study shows #zinc_transporter has built-in self-regulating #sensor.
#zinc_transporter #sensor #membranes #CryoEM #zip
Hello #CryoEM fediverse! I am trying to illustrate the concept of discrete conformational heterogeneity. Do you know EMDB entries showing the same molecule in two very distinct conformations? (preferably both coming from the same dataset).
"Garbage In, Garbage Out" - how many times have you heard this expression in structural biology?!?!
We are running a workshop on sample preparation techniques at the upcoming 2023 American Crystallographic Association meeting July 7, 2023 in Baltimore, MD - register by June 30!
#structural #SAXS #cryoem #crystallization #crystallography #lightscattering #AUC #workshop #structuralbiology
#StructuralBiology #workshop #auc #lightscattering #crystallography #Crystallization #CryoEM #SAXS #structural
#CryoEM of yeast methionine aminopeptidase & N-acetyltransferase B in complex with #ribosomes reveals involvement of rRNA expansion segment ES27a in orchestrating modifications of nascent polypeptide chains during translation @BeckmannLab #PLOSBiology https://plos.io/3n0S1an
#plosbiology #ribosomes #CryoEM
#CryoEM of yeast methionine aminopeptidase & N-acetyltransferase B in complex with #ribosomes reveals involvement of rRNA expansion segment ES27a in orchestrating modifications of nascent polypeptide chains during translation @BeckmannLab #PLOSBiology https://plos.io/3n0S1an
#plosbiology #ribosomes #CryoEM
#CryoEM of yeast methionine aminopeptidase & N-acetyltransferase B in complex with #ribosomes reveals involvement of rRNA expansion segment ES27a in orchestrating modifications of nascent polypeptide chains during translation @BeckmannLab #PLOSBiology https://plos.io/3n0S1an
#plosbiology #ribosomes #CryoEM
Did you take linear algebra? I'd like to learn it but didn't take it in college, and I'm looking for books people like! #math #cryoEM #machineLearning #honestlyWeirdThatWeLetEssentiallyChildrenPickTheirMajor
#honestlyweirdthatweletessentiallychildrenpicktheirmajor #machinelearning #CryoEM #math
In the recent years, we have seen
#CryoEM revolution
#CRISPR genomic tagging for endogenous affinity purification revolution
#alphafold #AI revolution
Diffusion model #protein #design revolution
What a time to be in #Structuralbiology !!!
#StructuralBiology #design #protein #ai #alphafold #crispr #CryoEM