@saladcat I know that they're in #Andorra and don't even have any legal imprint on their page...
But hey, at least they don't try to sell me some #Govware-#Backdoored #Encryption like #CryptoAG did...
#Cryptoleaks #CryptoAG #Encryption #backdoored #govware #andorra
@itzzenxx @Seirdy @vamanimal @neurovagrant @iatendril What I'm saying is:
@signalapp is a sting operation just like #ANØM, #EncroChat and #CryptoAG were...
@itzzenxx @Seirdy @vamanimal @neurovagrant
So please feel free to apologize when @signalapp crashes down like #ANØM and #CryptoAG, because if the #CIA can operate an espionage sting for 50+ years and the AFP can do so for 3, then it would not be unreasonable if #Signal is the same.
They know that 501(c)(3) nonprofit is as good as a Foundation in Liechtenstein when it comes to #DarkMoney...
#darkmoney #Signal #CIA #CryptoAG #anom
@itzzenxx @Seirdy @vamanimal @neurovagrant Mark my words:
#Signal / @signalapp is an op by US LE/Intel agencies!
It has that stench harder than #CryptoAG ever had!
I may sound like this, but if it wasn't a literal felony and I would've the money to spare, I would've posted a #bounty for releasing evidence to this.
@vamanimal @Seirdy @signalapp @neurovagrant @itzzenxx
- Phone Number
- IP adresses
- All the Data Packets sent to and from Signal
That alone is way too much, and the only move would be to fully decentralize stuff like #eMail and #XMPP is.
They chose not to and instead run the same "business model" that #EncroChat & #ANØM did, except they'd not even get paid by the users...
Do you even know how expensive an operation like that is to run?
#CryptoAG #Signal #anom #EncroChat #XMPP #Email
@Anibyl If this turns out to be just another #CryptoAG / #ANØM op, then you owe me an apology...
cuz I #ToldYaSo!
@Anibyl So no, I distrust providers like @protonmail and @Tutanota as much as the #CypberBunker and #CryptoAG and you should do so too!
But don't take my word as a white-hat for it, but rather read what those said that did crime and not got caught doing so...
Like #nachash in their infamous piece:
"So, you want to be a darknet drug lord..."
#nachash #CryptoAG #cypberbunker
Just in case you didn't knew it: #CryptoAG in #Switzerland was a #CIA + #BND front selling #backdoored #encryption devices around the globe using a letterbox company in #Liechtenstein to hide the ownership.
[Docu in German, English Subtitles available]
#rubikon #minerva #Liechtenstein #Encryption #backdoored #bnd #CIA #switzerland #CryptoAG
@ahriboy Unlike @torproject which is sufficiently decentralized that people from the #TorProject can't shutdown #OnionServices [otherwise they would've been forced at gunpoint several times already], #ProtonMail stinks #Glowie like #CryptoAG did since The Causa Bühler...
In fact @protonmail snitches on users constantly and I'd also not trust @Tutanota in that sense.
Remember: #notYourKeys = #NotYourControl = no effective #E2EE beyond #SSL & #TLS transport encryption!
#tls #ssl #e2ee #notyourcontrol #notyourkeys #CryptoAG #glowie #ProtonMail #OnionServices #torproject
@talon Yeah, #ProtonMail is a #Snitch at best if not yet another #Honeypot in the Style of #ANØM or rather #CryptoAG...
I mean they literally got caught #snitching on teens planning #truancy - which AFAIK is just a misdemeanour.
#Truancy #snitching #CryptoAG #anom #honeypot #snitch #ProtonMail
TLDR; from Wikipedia:
#CryptoAG .. #Swiss company specialising in communications and information security..secretly purchased 1970 for US $5.75M..jointly owned by the #CIA and West #German Federal Intelligence Service #BND ... CIA sole owner until 2018... mission of breaking encrypted communication **"Operation Rubikon"**... #backdoored products to benefit the American, British and German national signals intelligence agencies ...#NSA
#NSA #backdoored #bnd #German #CIA #swiss #CryptoAG
Machine de chiffrement et scandale d'espionnage
La CX-52 est l'une des premières machines de chiffrement fabriquées en #Suisse par l'entreprise #CryptoAG . Objet convoité par les collectionneurs , elle symbolise l'un des plus grands scandales d'espionnage depuis la #SecondeGuerremondiale .
#chiffrement #souverainete #espionage #belobjet #collectionneur
#suisse #CryptoAG #secondeguerremondiale #chiffrement #souverainete #espionage #belobjet #collectionneur
Bringen wir mal Licht ins Dunkel
Egal wie wo was
Wenn irgendwo etwas nicht opensource ist u. kein ext. Audit dem man auch schon wieder trauen muss da ist, sind Zweifel berechtigt.
Zudem ist opensource nicht einfach sicher, kann jede Menge bugs haben wie das Smartphone auch. Es gibt Trojaner.
So oder so
helfen würde wenn man nur selber verschlüsseltes Material versendet. u. auch das mit Vorbehalt.
#CryptoAG #Encrochat #zerotrust
Bringen wir mal Licht ins Dunkel
Egal wie wo was
Wenn irgendwo etwas nicht opensource ist u. kein ext. Audit dem man auch schon wieder trauen muss da ist, sind Zweifel berechtigt.
So oder so
helfen würde wenn man nur selber verschlüsseltes Material versendet. u. auch das mit Vorbehalt.
#CryptoAG #Encrochat #zerotrust
#Cryptoleaks est le nom donné aux révélations faites plusieurs médias dans le monde, en février 2020, selon lesquelles l'entreprise #suisse #CryptoAG aurait fourni à des gouvernements du monde entier des systèmes de chiffrement contenant une porte dérobée permettant aux renseignements allemands et américains d'avoir accès aux communications transitant par ces systèmes.
#Cryptoleaks #suisse #CryptoAG #souverainete #extraTerritorialite
RT @ppsde@twitter.com
Was haben die #CryptoAG und #Oracle gemeinsam?
Bei beiden stand die Geheimdienstverbindung schon jahrelang in der wikipedia und niemand hat es gestört.
Es ist Zeit, dass die breite Öffentlichkeit davon erfährt.
Comment la #CIA a acheté discrètement #CryptoAG , une société de #chiffrement … pour #espionner ses pays clients
Crypto AG a été racheté avec les services allemands en 1970.
Le #WashingtonPost , la télévision allemande #ZDF , ont révélé que la #CIA et le #BND , les services allemands, ont discrètement acheté dans les années 70 une entreprise, Crypto AG, revendu tout aussi discrètement en 2018. Cette société a fourni près de 120 pays en matériel entre 1950 et 2000.
#cia #CryptoAG #chiffrement #espionner #washingtonpost #zdf #bnd
Mit "Rubikon" jenseits der Legalität
Was wusste der BND über die Colonia Dignidad?
#CryptoAG #Schweiz #Verschlüsselung #BND #CIA #NSA #Lauschangriff #Überwachung #Rasterfahndung #Mitwisser #Verbrechen #Whistleblowing #EdwardSnowden #Transparenz #Informationsfreiheit #Kontrollgremium #Bundestag #Untersuchungsausschuss #Brandt #Schmidt #Kohl #Reagan #Rubikon #ColoniaDignidad
#CryptoAG #schweiz #verschlüsselung #bnd #cia #nsa #lauschangriff #überwachung #rasterfahndung #Mitwisser #verbrechen #whistleblowing #edwardsnowden #transparenz #informationsfreiheit #Kontrollgremium #bundestag #untersuchungsausschuss #brandt #schmidt #kohl #reagan #rubikon #coloniadignidad
#zdnet #CyberSécurité "Le gouvernement suisse dépose une plainte pénale dans l'affaire Crypto AG " #CyberAttaque #Suisse #CryptoAG ... https://www.zdnet.fr/actualites/le-gouvernement-suisse-depose-une-plainte-penale-dans-l-affaire-crypto-ag-39899977.htm
#zdnet #cybersécurité #cyberattaque #suisse #CryptoAG