Light Publishing Center; Changchun Institute of Optics; Fine Mechanics And Physics; CAS, Scientists demonstrate intense ultraviolet-visible-infrared full-spectrum laser:
#FullSpectrumLaser #WhiteLaser #LASER #HighHarmonicGeneration #HHG #UltravioletVisibleInfrared #UVVisIR #HollowCoreFiber #HCF #LithiumNiobate #Crystal #Octaves #Optics #Photonics #Physics
#FullSpectrumLaser #WhiteLaser #laser #HighHarmonicGeneration #HHG #UltravioletVisibleInfrared #UVVisIR #HollowCoreFiber #HCF #LithiumNiobate #Crystal #Octaves #optics #photonics #physics
2023 wurden in #Leipzig bereits 4 #Spätverkauf släden geschlossen, berichtet die #LVZ. In den Spätis, 3 davon in #Reudnitz #Schönefeld, gab es zusätzlich zu den legalen #Drogen #Alkohol und #Nikotin ebenso #Kokain, #Cannabis oder #Methamphetamine #Crystal zu kaufen.
Drogen sind auch in Leipzig überall verfügbar: in Privatwohnungen, Parks, Kokstaxis oder im #Späti.
#Leipzig #spatverkauf #lvz #Reudnitz #schonefeld #Drogen #alkohol #nikotin #kokain #cannabis #methamphetamine #Crystal #spati #Legalisierung #Kreuzbund #selbsthilfe #Sucht #abhangigkeit
From selecting the right crystal and “programming” it for your personal use to special techniques and exercises to heighten your abilities, Silbey guides you on the path to self-mastery. Visit and find out more.
#BodyMindAndSpirit #healing #crystal #health #emotion #mentalhealth #healthyliving #selfdevelopment
#selfdevelopment #healthyliving #mentalhealth #emotion #health #Crystal #healing #BodyMindAndSpirit
Oliver Morsch, ETH Zurich - Heaviest Schrödinger cat achieved by putting a small crystal into a superposition of two oscillation states:
#Schrödinger #QuantumCat #Superposition #Oscillation #Crystal #QuantumPhysics #Physics
#physics #quantumphysics #Crystal #Oscillation #Superposition #QuantumCat #schrödinger
#Hure ❤ Homburg Crystal - Ladies DE - #Ladies_DE - Neue #Huren #Hostessen #Homburg #Crystal - Sexanzeigen auf, Deutschlands grossem #Sex Anzeigen Forum
#Hure #ladies_de #huren #hostessen #homburg #Crystal #sex
#Hure ❤ Ulm Crystal - Ladies DE - #Ladies_DE - Neue #Huren #Hostessen #Ulm #Crystal - Sexanzeigen auf, Deutschlands grossem #Sex Anzeigen Forum
#Hure #ladies_de #huren #hostessen #ulm #Crystal #sex Crystals have been used for healing for millennia now. They can be used as functional jewelry as well as boosting your own energy levels. They can be used over specific organs to help raise the healing energy (crystal matched to a specific concern) so your body can heal itself. These healing stones can be used for spiritual protection, to attract love or abundance and really look great They benefit you and those that see it as well. #crystals #healing #crystal #chakras #energy
#energy #chakras #Crystal #healing #crystals Crystals have been used for healing for millennia now. They can be used as functional jewelry as well as boosting your own energy levels. They can be used over specific organs to help raise the healing energy (crystal matched to a specific concern) so your body can heal itself. These healing stones can be used for spiritual protection, to attract love or abundance and really look great They benefit you and those that see it as well. #crystals #healing #crystal #chakras #energy
#energy #chakras #Crystal #healing #crystals
Papageorgiou, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne - Stabilizing polarons opens up new physics:
#EPFL #Polarons #Electrons #Phonons #DensityFunctionalTheory #DFT #Crystal #Physics
#physics #Crystal #DFT #DensityFunctionalTheory #Phonons #Electrons #Polarons #EPFL
Crystal development team has announced the first major release of the Crystal programming language #Crystal #Ruby #language #programming #SoftwareDevelopment
#softwaredevelopment #programming #language #ruby #Crystal