Chris Spivey (Author) · @DHS
565 followers · 707 posts · Server

Thanks @ImaginingsRpg for the incredibly high praise and your great breakdown of . Hearing that makes me want to write this scenario idea set in modern times. If only I had more time.

#CthulhuConfidential #evendeathcandie #mythos

Last updated 1 year ago

Pelgrane Press · @pelgranepress
505 followers · 24 posts · Server

We are very sad not to be in Columbus at , but our intrepid colleagues @ipr have a number of our books for sale at their booth #1206, including , the adventure collection for .

#origins2023 #evendeathcandie #CthulhuConfidential

Last updated 1 year ago

Chris Spivey (Author) · @DHS
557 followers · 690 posts · Server

I bought myself a copy of to see the final versions of my scenarios for . I turned the last adventure over three years, and it was one of my favorite pieces. Working on this taught me countless things.

#evendeathcandie #CthulhuConfidential #langstonwright

Last updated 1 year ago

Yohann · @Yohann
33 followers · 65 posts · Server
· @stelo
24 followers · 98 posts · Server

that influenced me.

1. . My First and most played game (with 300+) quick and low prep, Fiction First.

2. . the rules are narrative
3. . I like especially Create an Advantage action.
4. . Improv your play
5. . Dense Characters and History, Mystery...
6. . Icon is simple but cool idea.

7. . Quick, Low Prep, Logic First. But there are many Wierd Science. no need to be combat focused, But it still can be fun.

#7ttrpgs #dungeonworld #gurps #fatecore #Fiasco #CthulhuConfidential #13thage #numenera

Last updated 2 years ago

· @stelo
24 followers · 98 posts · Server

that influenced me.

1. . My First and most played game (with 300+) quick and low prep, Fiction First.

2. . the rules are narrative
3. . I like especially Create an Advantage action.
4. . Improv your play
5. . Dense Characters and History, Mystery...
6. 13th Age. Icon is simple but cool idea.

7. . Quick, Low Prep, Logic First. But there are many Wierd Science. no need to be combat focused, But it still can be fun.

#7ttrpgs #dungeonworld #gurps #fatecore #Fiasco #CthulhuConfidential #numenera

Last updated 2 years ago