Today in Labor History February 28, 1525: Hernan Cortes executed Cuauhtémoc , king of the Aztecs. Bernal Diaz del Castillo wrote in his journal that it was an unjust execution, that there was no evidence the Cuauhtémoc was plotting against Cortes. Cuauhtémoc said, through his interpreter, La Malinche, “Now I understand your false promises and the kind of death you have had in store for me. For you are killing me unjustly. May God demand justice from you, as it was taken from me when I entrusted myself to you in my city of Mexico!”
#LaborHistory #WorkingClass #indigenous #genocide #torture #execution #Malinche #Cuauhtemoc #mexico #Aztec #cortes
#LaborHistory #workingclass #indigenous #genocide #torture #execution #Malinche #Cuauhtemoc #mexico #Aztec #cortes
Un venendor callejero en la #CDMX en el municipio de #Cuauhtémoc vendiendo papas fritas y chicharrón en un interesante puesto adaptado a una bici.
A street-vendor in #MexicoCity #Cuauhtemoc Municipality selling potato chips and pork rind from an interesting stand adapted to their bike.
#Fotografía / #Photograhy
85mm f/2.8 1/400 ISO 125 HLG
#cdmx #cuauhtémoc #mexicocity #Cuauhtemoc #fotografía #photograhy