Somerville #CubScouts visit Cataldo Ambulance #EmergencyPreparedness
#CubScouts #emergencypreparedness
A crafty night at Cubs, as we made sock puppets.
The boys really enjoyed destroying footwear legitimately (even though one said that his dad would be mad for ruining a sock, as he wouldn’t have a pair 😂)
They were very creative in some of the design.
Next week they will need to use them to present to the rest of the pack.
We rounded off the evening with a couple of campfire songs.
#Cubs #scouting #CubScouts
Please share with all the #youngpeople you know.
#family #scouting #watersafety #RLSS #scouts #Beavers #Cubs #CubScouts #beaverscouts
#beaverscouts #CubScouts #cubs #beavers #scouts #rlss #watersafety #scouting #family #youngpeople
It's just that easy! I'm asking ChatGPT how to do everything from now on.
Last Friday was our monthly Pack meeting. We held a talent show! There were scouts and leaders who told jokes, solved rubik's cubes, displayed art, and played and sang songs. It was emceed by our Webelos II scouts. I think it was a big hit!
#CubScouts #packmeeting #Scouting #scouts
Are there any Cub Scout leaders here who have any experience with bi-lingual (specifically English & Spanish) membership? We're looking at our first member who relies more on Spanish and considering how we may pull this off. ... long shot question, I know.
@IoanSaid I'm a leader with the #CubScouts.
Is your #beaver hashtag your Wood Badge critter?
Had a great time with the family today. Took my step daughter to her #CubScouts parade for Remeberance Day and then we went for a ride on the local heritage steam railway #SteamTrain
Just enjoyed a great evening with #Cubs talking about all things Remembrance Day
#scouts #scouting #CubScouts
#Cubs #scouts #scouting #CubScouts