#Haver now has persistent work spaces which persist the source code and the bound variables.
#smalltalk #CuisSmalltalk #cuis #haversmalltalk #Haver
Browse and Edit business objects for #Dynabook.
#smalltalk #CuisSmalltalk
#dynabook #smalltalk #CuisSmalltalk
Question on code design.
When dealing with collection of business objects, let's say a list of Person. Do you define an associated custom collection as PersonCollection? So that specific protocol to manipulate those collection are gathered there.
@drgeo release 23.06a!
Many improvements, among them an #svg exporter.
Download and Changelog:
#svg #CuisSmalltalk #smalltalk
Object browser to view and to edit a tree of #CuisSmalltalk objects.
The Mold #GUI package used to describe and to validate field input.
@collin @tetrislife @rahoulb there is "The Cuis book", a gentle introduction to #CuisSmalltalk
@drgeo @tetrislife @rahoulb I need to spend more time with #CuisSmalltalk. It does seem like the simplest.
@tetrislife @collin @rahoulb There were also an intial Squeak version running on the OLPC.
#CuisSmalltalk if for my need the most appropriate. I like smaller and cleaner environment. There are way too much legacy code in Squeak and Pharo.
@collin @tetrislife @rahoulb In the Squeak babies, the GUI framework is not as polished as in GTK+ or Qt. It is not a problem of Smalltalk but the small communities.
Among the Squeak babies, it is in #CuisSmalltalk you find an easier to understand and cleaner Morph framework (really a lot). There are some efforts with Cuis-Smalltalk-UI to develop its set of Widget.
@collin I think they might have considered it a failure if it is true that users didn't get into modifying the software they were running. Devs not getting it might not have bothered them as much.
@rahoulb well, you tried 👍🏼
Taking the liberty of including @drgeo , who was bringing his software to #Smalltalk (tried #Pharo, switched to #CuisSmalltalk). i.e. knows a thing or two about developing in Smalltalk.
#smalltalk #pharo #CuisSmalltalk
Arrows: a Computer Algebra System in #Smalltalk
Arrows: a Computer Algebra System in #Smalltalk
@drgeo Pointed to an 13 year old interview with @juanvuletich
«It is a must to read, and we can say that the heading to the Cuis' objectives have been maintained in most part.
For me the most dominant aspect of Cuis is that it is an enabler.»
It totally agree!
#Cuis #CuisSmalltalk #Smalltalk
#smalltalk #CuisSmalltalk #cuis
@Conornash Hi Conor!
I ported my DrGeo app from Pharo to #CuisSmalltalk because I was enthusiast of the simplicity of Cuis and the benefit of its Morphic3 framework, including its VectorGraphics engine. All in all I found code management much straightforward in Cuis, the system easier to understand and it is for me easier to achieve what I want. The downside for Cuis is a poorer ecosystem, but it depends on what you want to do.
@juanvuletich implemented dashing in #CuisSmalltalk vector graphics. The nice things about VectorGraphics, it follows closely the SVG specifications. So implementing a SVG canvas in @drgeo to export to a SVG file is quite straightforward.
Now I have a nice title ToDo-list application for #Haver.
#CuisSmalltalk #haversmalltalk #Haver
Chaotic sequence with exponential growth could makes graphic primitives go crazy. Both @pharoproject and #CuisSmalltalk @drgeo crashed, althought with different agony. Fixed that for point and polyline hierarchy objects.
2/ First sketch simulating the sun light accross a window. At left rendered with Cairo libray, at right rendered by DrGeo on #CuisSmalltalk. Observe the thin lines going from the windows to the ground.
1/ Upcoming release of @drgeo (in June) will come with an SVG exporter. It is an opportunity to compare side by side the rendering quality of SVG with Cairo library and #CuisSmalltalk vector graphics engines.
List selection with conditions.
#CuisSmalltalk #Smalltalk