Culture Declares East was launched in March 2022 & in that time we’ve held 7 events, 4 online & 3 in person. And we have funded plans for two funded Cultural Assemblies.
We are Lucy Enskat, Genevieve Rudd and Bridget McKenzie. We’ve enjoyed making these happen over the past year. However, life is making other plans for each of us and we have very little capacity to continue alone.
@culturedeclares #culturetakesaction
In Climate Museum UK we've launched this new website Imagine Futures - creative tools for imagining futures with young people, in face of the Earth crisis. Please read, share, use, comment etc. #possitopia #PossitopiaNorwich #CultureTakesAction
#Possitopia #PossitopiaNorwich #CultureTakesAction
Thinking about how we design communications & narratives about the Earth crisis. I'm assuming participatory & questioning approaches work best and that time & reiteration are vital. Not quick hits that leave people confused & resistant. Theorising that we need to spend more time on causes & solutions, less on impacts. Suggesting something like the design diamond, open-close-open-close. An increasing integration of sense, emotion, idea & action. #CultureTakesAction #ClimateMuseumUK
#CultureTakesAction #ClimateMuseumUK
Read more about the Emerging Practitioners programme here, that includes a link to the crowdfunder to support it. #ClimateMuseumUK #CultureTakesAction
#ClimateMuseumUK #CultureTakesAction
Getting more rooted into #Norwich as the base for my
practice. Planning a #PeopleTakeAction workshop. Delivering an #ImagineFutures workshop for schools tomorrow. This is #ImaginationActivism & #RegenerativeCulture applied to a City. #CultureTakesAction
#norwich #ClimateMuseumUK #peopletakeaction #imaginefutures #imaginationactivism #regenerativeculture #CultureTakesAction
We in Culture Declares Emergency are in Mastodon. Follow on @CultureDeclares for lively stories & discussions about how #CultureTakesAction (No posts yet but soon soon)
Setting some intentions for the year.
Joining the movement of individuals and organisations involved in arts and culture who are declaring a climate and ecological emergency.
Working with local creatives to establish Dudley People’s School for Climate Justice, hopefully as part of a Culture Declares Emergency Hub for Dudley.
#culturedeclares #CultureTakesAction
Culture Declares Emergency is not yet on Mastodon. So if you haven’t discovered it or joined the lively supportive community, look here We tell the truth, take action and seek justice in the face of the Earth crisis. We form local hubs (such as Culture Declares East in East Anglia, or Cultural Gardeners in Aus) & do actions, events & alliances for change. #CultureTakesAction
@CultureDeclares is an international #ClimateJustice movement. We use the power of creativity to communicate the truth about #ClimateEmergency We've been on the streets in #solidarity with those paying the price of gov inaction #CultureTakesAction Thanks @MayorJD for your support
#climatejustice #climateemergency #solidarity #CultureTakesAction
Hashtags I use on the bird app #CultureTakesAction #ExtremeWeatherStories #EverydayEcocide #culturedeclares #StoriesOfExtraction #EcoLensOnThings #ecocapacities
#ecocapacities #EcoLensOnThings #StoriesOfExtraction #culturedeclares #EverydayEcocide #ExtremeWeatherStories #CultureTakesAction
RT @CultureDeclares: Fantastic to see @DanceSyndromeUK's Environmental Sustainability Pledges as a starting point to identify the areas of development within their work towards more sustainable practice 👏 #CultureTakesAction #ItStartedWithTheTruth
#CultureTakesAction #ItStartedWithTheTruth