Some more rambling thoughts about the #2016election , the developing #mcgonigal #spy scandal and how we should think about #climate in the #CultureWars
#CultureWars #Climate #spy #mcgonigal #2016election
I may simply be behind the times with #AI + #AITextGenerators but the #ChatGPT content people are sharing on #mastodon right now is extremely convincing.
This guy just modelled a #FlameWar between #linux users - imagine what this could do for the online #CultureWars...
#CultureWars #linux #flamewar #mastodon #chatgpt #aitextgenerators #ai
Guest post: The Human cost of the dialectic war against our identity
The following is from a comment left at Vlad today. It is an analysis of a true account of which, some of the more gruesome details have actually been left out. At some point one can hope, the Ottawa Police will make it, and others like it public, so that we might come to und
#CulturalMarxism #CultureWars #vaccines
#vaccines #CultureWars #CulturalMarxism
Join us for our next Open DiscourseNet Seminar with Jan Zienkowski (Université Libre de Bruxelles) on the metapolitical dimensions of civil society discourse(s) in #Flanders. To sign up, please visit: #Discourse #CivilSociety #CultureWars #Metapolitics
#Metapolitics #CultureWars #civilsociety #discourse #flanders