“Children and cars are competitors”
When we are giving space to cars, we are also taking it away from kids.
from “Curbing Traffic” by Melissa and Chris Bruntlett
#ChildFriendlyCity #LowCar #BanCars #CurbingTraffic #FuckCars
#fuckcars #CurbingTraffic #bancars #lowCar #childfriendlycity
RT @BrentToderian
“Currently about 2/3rds of all Dutch children walk or bike to school, with 75% of secondary school kids cycling to school. By enabling safe and active travel, Dutch cities prevent an estimated one million car journeys to school each morning.” — @modacitylife in #CurbingTraffic
RT @BrentToderian
“Currently about 2/3rds of all Dutch children walk or bike to school, with 75% of secondary school kids cycling to school. By enabling safe and active travel, Dutch cities prevent an estimated one million car journeys to school each morning.” — @modacitylife in #CurbingTraffic
RT @BrentToderian@twitter.com
“Currently about 2/3rds of all Dutch children walk or bike to school, with 75% of secondary school kids cycling to school. By enabling safe and active travel, Dutch cities prevent an estimated one million car journeys to school each morning.” — @modacitylife@twitter.com in #CurbingTraffic
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BrentToderian/status/1590930648533172225
RT @BrentToderian@twitter.com
“Currently about 2/3rds of all Dutch children walk or bike to school, with 75% of secondary school kids cycling to school. By enabling safe and active travel, Dutch cities prevent an estimated one million car journeys to school each morning.” — @modacitylife@twitter.com in #CurbingTraffic
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BrentToderian/status/1590930648533172225
“Currently about 2/3rds of all Dutch children walk or bike to school, with 75% of secondary school kids cycling to school. By enabling safe and active travel, #Dutch cities prevent an estimated one million car journeys to school each morning.” — #modacitylife aka the Bruntletts in their great book #CurbingTraffic. #UrbanismBookClub #cities #cityplanning #urbanplanning #bikes #biketoschool #school #walking #biking
#biking #walking #school #biketoschool #bikes #urbanplanning #cityplanning #cities #urbanismbookclub #CurbingTraffic #modacitylife #dutch
RT @BrentToderian@twitter.com
“Currently about 2/3rds of all Dutch children walk or bike to school, with 75% of secondary school kids cycling to school. By enabling safe and active travel, Dutch cities prevent an estimated one million car journeys to school each morning.” — @modacitylife@twitter.com in #CurbingTraffic
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BrentToderian/status/1590930648533172225