"No Ads Please" sign for our door, with retro glam style, in cardstock.
#CuttleXYZ #SVG #Cricut #Suomi
#CuttleXYZ #svg #cricut #suomi
@rozcakj This #CuttleXYZ project could be the basis of a template for that wifi QR... Cuttle requires signup, but there are no redirect shenanigans in the QR encoding. I like the round corners experiments.
Ribbon modifier that can do stretchy extruded vector shadow things in #CuttleXYZ
Doodling inversions with a blank hexaflexagon template from #CuttleXYZ ... https://youtube.com/shorts/CCtti9hXsdg?feature=share7 βΎοΈποΈ
Triskele #papercraft globe designed in #CuttleXYZ
With #aiArt textures by ScribbleDiffusion via #FermatWS
Thinking of printable designs that could be made with any school or library printer. #makerEd
How it comes together: https://youtube.com/shorts/s3-p9jD8IV0?feature=share
#makered #fermatws #aiart #CuttleXYZ #papercraft
I seeded 3 Discords with a print-and-fold #papercraft design made in #CuttleXYZ. I don't have a printer here... I'm hoping that somebody beats me to making one.
@tj @csk "Aperiodic Monotile" for #LaserCutting, parametric layout in #CuttleXYZ
(I vote that it's an untucked shirt over a hat, and think the cut could catch on.)
#CuttleXYZ's Toby is going to do more Celtic knot live coding, referencing Andrew Glassner's paper, here in 30 min: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOmDAoQc3v8
#cad #topology #mathart #CuttleXYZ
Emoji and a name on a heart. (optional key ring hole)
#CuttleXYZ #laserCutting
Thinking about a wide collection of variations on the basic #CuttleXYZ templates.
Triskele globe #papercraft goes in this thread.
I traced the blank template in #CuttleXYZ to get the #Cricut tool paths right, and added some pen strokes for fun.
Hattifant has some sweet printable patterned versions: https://hattifant.com/triskele-paper-globes/
#mathart #makered #cricut #CuttleXYZ #papercraft
#CuttleXYZ update shipped! This template is fun, it automatically connects the parts of text so it can be cut from one piece.
@wolfcatworkshop makes the most aesthetic demos.
@folduptoys Have you used this kind of twist star fold in a design? https://youtu.be/_In1PejSfH4
#origamisimulator #papercraft #CuttleXYZ
We decided that a popup text editor on the canvas is easier than a "distractor" animation in the inspector panel. The UI will also show when bringing out a new shape with text.
Double-click on the canvas to select text to edit. Not quite direct manipulation, but a step in that direction. #CuttleXYZ #WIP
How it started / how it's going, for the #CuttleXYZ feature I've been focusing on since November. We're calling it the "Creation Panel" and it's a place that we can browse a bunch of examples, and then bring them into our project.
The Notion page would be 65 pages if printed. If there's interest I'd like to walk through it some time and explain our process and the design and development behind the feature.
#cricut #lasercutting #cad #frontend #CuttleXYZ
Workflow mapping in @tldraw:
#Midjourney textures moodboard β
#CuttleXYZ parametric #CAD β
https://origamisimulator.org/ from @amandaghassaei
It's nice to be able to copy and paste between these browser windows. That works as minimal viable interoperability. I wonder if by looking at clipboard data, a browser could make implicit "wires" between apps for faster feedback.
#spatialcanvas #origami #papercraft #cad #CuttleXYZ #midjourney
Tangible and fidget-able interfaces toys and furniture is my #CAD #maker focus this year. Inspired in part by Annie Murphy Paul's book _The Extended Mind_ about how we can better think with our bodies and environments.
That design goal will inform my #CuttleXYZ work. Some of that will still be abstract desk/brain-bound interface building.
But having real-world design goals will inform a more balanced cadence of abstract and physical work.
"Curved layered groove around cardstock papercraft polyhedron"
& studio selfie
#studioselfie #mathart #papercraft #CuttleXYZ #projects
Word snowflakes with fancy "Luxurious Script" font. Made with #Cricut and #CuttleXYZ, customizable SVG generator here (login required)