New Lore Diver! This time I'm diving into the lore around Cyberpunk RED's Deepdown sub-setting! #TTRPG #CyberpunkRED #Cyberpunk2077
#ttrpg #CyberpunkRED #cyberpunk2077
The Lair crew is very much enjoying #CitiesWithoutNumber, the cyberpunk sandbox #TTRPG in the same vein as Worlds Without Number and Stars Without Number.
The gang, corp, and city district creation tools look particularly helpful for our #CyberpunkRED campaign.
#CitiesWithoutNumber #ttrpg #CyberpunkRED
I'm shifting gears from plotting to writing and taking advantage of two free hours this morning. My coffee is strong, the music is loud, and that wordcount needs slaying #CyberPunkRed #scenariodesign
Working on the @lairofsecrets #CyberpunkRED campaign, which is a grab bag of downtime activities.
Ich arbeite aktuell an einem Homebrew-Konzern für #CyberpunkRED. Die Texte sind fertig und durchliefen auch einem #SensitivityReading. Das war mir gerade bei einem Setting wie #Cyberpunk RED besonders wichtig. Nun warte ich auf die letzten Illustrationen und dann starte ich mit dem Layout. 🙂 #pnpde
#CyberpunkRED #sensitivityreading #cyberpunk #pnpde
Die zweite #CyberpunkRED war für die Edgerunner ein voller Erfolg. Dennoch wird die Aktion im Hintergrund irgendwelche Auswirkungen haben, die die Edgerunner in der nächsten Mission eventuell zu spüren bekommen könnten. 😬 Anyway, ich finde #Cyberpunk RED jedenfalls großartig! 🥰 #pnpde
#CyberpunkRED #cyberpunk #pnpde
Moin! Gestern konnten die Edgerunner ihre Mission erfolgreich abschließen. Das Würfelglück war dieses Mal auf ihrer Seite und der eigentliche Plan hat weitestgehend funktioniert. Also: Mission accomplished! Es war wieder einmal toll und ja, ich mag #CyberpunkRED! 🥰 #pnpde
I'm currently working on getting my brother's #CyberpunkRED game off the ground.
The key to being a good older sister is finding players and coordinating so that he can run a #ttrpg, right?
Einen wunderschönen guten Morgen! Heute ist Spieltag! Unsere #CyberpunkRED Mission geht weiter. Ob die Edgerunner diese meistern werden? Gute Frage. 😅
Ich wünsche euch allen einen angenehmen Tag. Lasst euch nicht ärgern! 🌞☕
In about an hour from now I’ll be live on Twitch painting these juvenile delinquents for Cyberpunk Red.
Stop by for… awkward silence from me, the Crypt of the Necrodancer soundtrack, and a bit of colouring in wardollies.
#MiniaturePainting #Cyberpunk #CyberpunkRed #Livestreaming #TTRPG #Wargaming
#miniaturepainting #cyberpunk #CyberpunkRED #livestreaming #ttrpg #wargaming
Back on my Black Chrome nonsense! Since TikTok likes to flag me for imaginary weapons, the series will now be done exclusively on YouTube! #CyberpunkRED #TTRPG
Jetzt noch ein wenig #Starfield auf der #XBoxSeriesX zocken und danach die Mission für die morgige #CyberpunkRED Session vorbereiten. 😬
#starfield #xboxseriesx #CyberpunkRED
Einen wunderschönen guten Morgen zusammen! Heute stehen mitunter Vorbereitungen für die morgige #CyberpunkRED Mission an. Und was macht ihr heute? 🙂
#CyberpunkRED #pnpde #cyberpunk #cpr #NightCity
@Monte_Lin we did the same thing with #ScumAndVillainy because we ran out of time during our Thursday night games. We ended up doing downtime offline, which felt kind of mechanical. We got some RPG hooks from it, but not a lot. With #CyberpunkRED, we plan to dedicate a session (more like 1.5 sessions) to downtown after a mission. Like you alluded to, it’s a great opportunity for world building and learning more about the characters.
#scumandvillainy #CyberpunkRED
#WordWeavers 9.4 — Becoming a better person?
~ I've written Alexios for so long. There are so many different ways that he can become a better person. He has a heart. He's someone with a ton of trauma, a past experiment, a man who turned to the black market in a world so desperate, dark, and destitute. He makes a living the only way he can. He isn't a bad person, not by any means, but he does what he must. This is the way cyberpunk worlds, especially #CyberpunkRED / #Cyberpunk2020, are. (2/2)
#wordweavers #CyberpunkRED #cyberpunk2020
#WordWeavers 9.4 — Does your antagonist have a chance to become a better person?
I'm going to answer this from the protagonist's side of things. there's a reason. Most days, people would think HE was the antagonist. The Midnight City Police Department and the Angel of Death, both of whom I have mentioned in this thread, are (mostly) irredeemable.
Alexios does have the chance to become a better person. He might just in this story. In #CyberpunkRED and #Cyberpunk2020 stories, he did. ~ (1/2)
#wordweavers #CyberpunkRED #cyberpunk2020
We also figured out the #CyberpunkRED cost-of-living rules (which are actually relevant to the game ... and which jobs the PCs take) and returned to the experience rules, which we overlooked during character creation.
Fun game of #CyberpunkRED today as we finished up our first story ac and took on our next great challenge: DOWNTIME!
@Acantigue Welcome home! #BladesInTheDark is a great game (so is its sci-fi cousin #ScumAndVillainy). I played both and would love to return to them one of these days.
Right now though, I’m playing #DnD, #CyberpunkRED, #SavageWorlds and #MonsterOfTheWeek.
Anyway - welcome! This is a great place :)
#bladesinthedark #scumandvillainy #DnD #CyberpunkRED #savageworlds #monsteroftheweek
Todays #BooksandBrews is Gibson, #Neuromancer! I’m writing #CyberpunkRed next week and my brain is in overdrive. Stay frosty Chooms.
#booksandbrews #neuromancer #CyberpunkRED