Ah yes. The jack-hammering has begun outside again. They're busy digging up the concrete they laid on Friday. This would make the thrd time they've done this.
I'm certain it all makes perfect sense, but to my eye all it makes is a typical government contract. I guess that's how you make constructing a 20m path turn into a 6 week job.
Here's a generic question about your current WIP. I don't really care about any of your answers, but enjoy my 15 post thread about MY response to the question...
#Cynical #YouKNowItsTrue #comedy #writingcommunity
Here's a generic question about your current WIP. I don't really care about any of your answers, but enjoy my 15 post thread about MY response to the question...
#Cynical #YouKNowItsTrue #comedy #writingcommunity
#Hinweis auf #Cynical #Theorie(s), Helen #Pluckrose, James #Lindsay
#Aktion von Florian #Schroeder bei #Kundgebung #Querdenken 711: #Verwendung von #sprachlich(en) #Codewort(en), die sonst zur #Diskussionsabwehr oder #Selbstbestärkung dienen.
#Verwendung der #Möglichkeit der #Abgrenzung durch #Sprache zum #stiften von #Verwirrung.
#Frage: Was wird damit #gewonnen?
#FAS, 30.08.2020, #Feuilleton, Mark #Siemons - Jetzt hilft nur noch #Verwirrung, S. 37
#Hinweis #Cynical #theorie #Pluckrose #lindsay #aktion #schroeder #kundgebung #querdenken #verwendung #sprachlich #Codewort #Diskussionsabwehr #Selbstbestärkung #möglichkeit #abgrenzung #sprache #stiften #Verwirrung #frage #gewonnen #fas #feuilleton #Siemons