Pteryx the Puzzle Secretary · @pteryx
198 followers · 6575 posts · Server


My favorite games I've actually played are the 3.x cluster — D&D 3.0, D&D 3.5, d20 Modern, and PF1.

I believe it'd be possible to make a D&D-like game I like better, but WotC won't be the one to make it.

is my favorite D&D setting by far! But sometimes an original setting is a better fit for a D&Dish idea. And sometimes a fantasy idea isn't particularly D&Dish, but I don't have a system I favor for that yet.


#dnd35 #dnd35e #PF1e #pf1 #dnd3 #DnD3E #D20Modern #d20m #eberron

Last updated 1 year ago

Orange Lantern · @orangelantern
52 followers · 263 posts · Server

@Morgunin Ha, Palladium Fantasy was the first I ever played and GMed. And a lot of long campaigns in RIFTS. Many fond memories.

Wouldn't touch its horribly broken rules with a 10-ft-pole anymore, though. ;)

I think the 7 rpgs that had the most impact on me from then to now are:

(the diceless one)

#ttrpg #palladium #Rifts #dnd #D20Modern #7th #MarvelUniverse #risus #fate #TheBlackHack

Last updated 2 years ago

Fragnum Opus (Nick Lowers) · @Fragnumopus
20 followers · 2 posts · Server

All aboard the train!

Last 5 played:

Next 5 I want to play:

Just recently ended a thirteen year old planescape campaign that we started back in college. Just getting big into star wars! I have a Sith Aspirant that's just about to reach acolyte!

May the force be with you and may you all roll 20's

#ttrpg #planescape #dnd3 #dnd5e #starwars #forgottenrealms #D20Modern #shadowrun #DiscoElysium #elderscrolls #spelljammer

Last updated 2 years ago

Peter Amthor · @peteramthor
119 followers · 83 posts · Server

Honestly I'm thinking of using for my game. It's my favorite flavor of the D20 versions and it would be easy to just port the setting into. Plus, and this is a major plus, I own a copy of the book and some sourcebooks. Can't really afford to invest into a different game just to use it's system for something else.

#D20Modern #MorrowProject

Last updated 2 years ago