My favorite games I've actually played are the 3.x cluster — D&D 3.0, D&D 3.5, d20 Modern, and PF1. #DnD35 #DnD35e #PF1e #PF1 #DnD3 #DnD3e #d20Modern #d20m
I believe it'd be possible to make a D&D-like game I like better, but WotC won't be the one to make it.
#Eberron is my favorite D&D setting by far! But sometimes an original setting is a better fit for a D&Dish idea. And sometimes a fantasy idea isn't particularly D&Dish, but I don't have a system I favor for that yet.
#dnd35 #dnd35e #PF1e #pf1 #dnd3 #DnD3E #D20Modern #d20m #eberron
@Morgunin Ha, Palladium Fantasy was the first #ttrpg I ever played and GMed. And a lot of long campaigns in RIFTS. Many fond memories.
Wouldn't touch its horribly broken rules with a 10-ft-pole anymore, though. ;)
I think the 7 rpgs that had the most impact on me from then to now are:
#Palladium / #RIFTS
#DnD and #d20Modern
#7th Sea
#MarvelUniverse (the diceless one)
#ttrpg #palladium #Rifts #dnd #D20Modern #7th #MarvelUniverse #risus #fate #TheBlackHack
All aboard the #ttrpg train!
Last 5 played:
Next 5 I want to play:
Just recently ended a thirteen year old planescape campaign that we started back in college. Just getting big into star wars! I have a Sith Aspirant that's just about to reach acolyte!
May the force be with you and may you all roll 20's
#ttrpg #planescape #dnd3 #dnd5e #starwars #forgottenrealms #D20Modern #shadowrun #DiscoElysium #elderscrolls #spelljammer
Honestly I'm thinking of using #D20Modern for my #MorrowProject game. It's my favorite flavor of the D20 versions and it would be easy to just port the setting into. Plus, and this is a major plus, I own a copy of the book and some sourcebooks. Can't really afford to invest into a different game just to use it's system for something else.