hatte gestern hier einen Blütenstand vom japanischen Liguster (Ligustrum japonicum) rein gestellt...
Heute bin ich etwas näher ran - so nahe wie es eben geht. Die Bilder sind jeweils mit einer APS-C Kamera, und anschließend mit Vollformat aufgenommen. Beide Bilder im Maßstab 1:1, also an der Nahgrenze des Objektivs; bis zu einem Maßstab von 1:2 spricht man in der #Fotografie von #Makro #photography 🧐
#Macrophotography #Flowersphotography #Nikon #D500 #D750 #NIKKOR 📸
#fotografie #makro #photography #FlashlightPhotography #macrophotography #flowersphotography #Nikon #D500 #d750 #nikkor
And now some photos from Saturday Aug 6th. A couple from the start of the Blue Angels show. Fat Albert with Bellevue, the Cascades, and over Lake Washington. Then, the BAs at the beginning and end of their performance.
#Seattle #Seafair #BlueAngels #Nikon #D500 #PNW #Aviation #Photography #avgeek #haveglass #aviationphotography
#aviationphotography #haveglass #avgeek #Photography #Aviation #pnw #D500 #nikon #blueangels #seafair #Seattle
The last photo from Sunday at Seafair. Nikon's Snapbridge is frustrating to use, but it worked this time. So thanks Nikon for helping me find this shot of the T-2 Buckeye on my Iphone.
#Seattle #Seafair #Buckeye #Nikon #D500 #PNW #Aviation #Photography #avgeek #haveglass #aviationphotography
#aviationphotography #haveglass #avgeek #Photography #Aviation #pnw #D500 #nikon #buckeye #seafair #Seattle
Welp. I've accepted the fact that I most likely accidentally deleted/lost the photos from my final and best set at Seafair 2022. But I managed to salvage 2 great sooc jpegs from Sunday August 7th.
#Seattle #Seafair #BlueAngels #Nikon #D500 #PNW #Aviation #Photography #avgeek #haveglass #aviationphotography
#aviationphotography #haveglass #avgeek #Photography #Aviation #pnw #D500 #nikon #blueangels #seafair #Seattle
While the time-lapses were going, I was able to take the D500 out and capture some of the ducks and seagulls in Seward Park. Definitely room for improvement, but pleased with my first attempt in 2023. Any recommendations for bird-watching spots in Seattle/the Puget Sound?
#Seattle #PNW #Nikon #D500 #wildlife #wildlifephotography #birds #birdwatching
#wildlifephotography #WildLife #birdwatching #Birds #D500 #nikon #pnw #Seattle
ein naturnaher #Garten lohnt sich für den Hobbyknipser 📸 der seine Ausrüstung nicht weit schleppen möchte!
Heute habe ich mich mit dem Hauhechel Bläuling 🦋 (Polyommatus icarus Männchen) angefreundet, der schon seit ein paar Tagen um mich herum flatterte. Sehr geduldiges Fotomodell wie ich finde, fast schon aufdringlich.
#Macrophotography #animals #Nikon #D500 #Fotografie #Nature
#nature #fotografie #D500 #Nikon #animals #macrophotography #garten
RT @orangesky_works
#シマエナガ #メジロ #ウメジロー
#部屋の中で野鳥観察 #D500
#シマエナガ #メジロ #ウメジロー #部屋の中で野鳥観察 #D500