Bitcoin’s Mining Difficulty Rises for the Second Time in a Row — It’s Now 0.63% Harder to Find a BTC Block
#SatoshiNakamoto’sdesign #Poissondistribution #difficultyincrease #blockheight747936 #blockheight749952 #BTCMiningpools #0.63%increase #28.35trillion #BitcoinMiners #Bitcoinmining #DAAdecrease #MiningPools #difficulty #BTCblocks #BTCMining #Hashpower #DAA
#satoshinakamoto #Poissondistribution #difficultyincrease #blockheight747936 #blockheight749952 #BTCMiningpools #BitcoinMiners #bitcoinmining #DAAdecrease #MiningPools #difficulty #BTCblocks #BTCMining #Hashpower #DAA
RT @caulmick: Same wages, terms & conditions being advertised by the #DAA on Facebook this afternoon.
Until they value their employees and not exploit them - we will continue to chaos at Dublin Airport.
Could Dalton Phillips live on €14 max 30 hours a week ?