🐂 ❤️ 🔄  Esiste, in , un più e più della . Reciprocità non è anche generare un di -avere , , . Siamo svelti ad adottare, o a , per meccanismi di , nel mondo del ad esempio, ma sembra invece arido, , proporre un do ut des anche sul piano affettivo. (ps - notare quanto è prevaricante toro Ferdinando sullo sfondo! 😁 )

#amore #concetto #equilibrato #corretto #reciprocita #meccanismo #DARE #equo #onesto #Combattere #equilibrio #lavoro #eretico

Last updated 2 years ago

Shwee :_moonstars: · @Iamshwee
321 followers · 666 posts · Server

I was asked once what I thought My Personal and means to/for me:

It's starting over
It's going back to your .
It's listening to your .
It's breaking centuries of bloodline .
It's successfully escaping unloving familiars.
It's to the innocent or the weak.
It's more to the universe than you take.
It’s following the and studying the .
It's listening to the and understanding its whispers.
It's learning what your body and mind are actually capable of.
It's treating your body, your mind, and your spirit like you would your own child.
It's understanding your and looking forward to a glorious .
It's being a for those you love, for those you admire.
It's being a of universal truth and searching through dark to find it.
It’s leaving behind what doesn’t serve you and breaking out of the mold.
It's protecting yourself, your shadow, your spirit, and your heart.
It's breaking barriers and tearing down oppressive walls.
It's being the just as much as the Teacher.
Witchcraft is the Witch's way to , to will, to , to speak, and to know when to keep silent.
Becoming a is to seek the truth of all things, and above all else, truth in .
Being a Witch is to change the world around and within you by the strength of your own .
It’s to live with the Earth, not just on it.
It's finally feeling like you found a spiritual .

#witchcraft #spirituality #roots #ancestors #curses #notharm #giving #moon #stars #earth #past #future #healer #seeker #shadows #student #DARE #fight #witch #yourself #craft #home

Last updated 2 years ago

BgpInv · @BgpInv
20 followers · 102 posts · Server

Wishing everyone a very happy new year in advance!

Three words worthy enough of a PLAN are: -
- DO

From Management Inc.


#happynewyear2023 #wishes #happynewyear #planning #dream #DARE #do

Last updated 2 years ago · @Paoblog
160 followers · 851 posts · Server

Come dire le cose...

Tratto da un libro di Gianluca Magi (mi sfugge il titolo...)

#prendere #DARE #egoismo #avarizia

Last updated 2 years ago

· @steve
58 followers · 408 posts · Server

Hier nochmal in größer das unbestrittene -Highlight der 1996 in .

Es gibt bessere Fotos, aber das hier ist meins. 🙂

Ich weiß leider die Namen der Character-Zeichner nicht mehr.

#graffiti #Sprühfrisch #dresden #DARE

Last updated 2 years ago

Victor Venema · @VictorVenema
1480 followers · 1653 posts · Server

Philip Brohan (UK MetOffice on 🐦 ):
"Weather rescue goes bilingual - Bienvenidos a este nuevo proyecto - can you help recover climate data from the end of the world?

Philip, not sure you should call the other end of the world when looking for Argentinian volunteers. 😎

#argentina #DARE #Datarescue #climatedata

Last updated 3 years ago

Victor Venema · @VictorVenema
1480 followers · 1653 posts · Server

Ed Hawkins (on the bird site), famous for inventing the climate stripes:
"Today we relaunch !

Millions of pages of ship logbooks are full of detailed weather observations which have never been digitised.

Transcribing this data will improve our knowledge of how the climate has changed. Do you have some time to help?"

#WeatherRescue #climatechange #Climate #climatescience #citizenscience #EdHawkins #Datarescue #DARE #HistoricalClimateData

Last updated 3 years ago