DTXL Invests €6.3 Million Series A in Delft Circuits https://thequantuminsider.com/?p=2358287 #Capital_Markets #ASML #Cri/oFlex #DARPA #Delft_Circuits #DTXL #Philips #PME_pension_fund #PME_pension_fund8 #RVO_Seed_Capital #RVO_Seed_Capital9 #quantumdaily Insider Brief DTXL5 – a 100 M€ deep tech venture capital fund – has invested €6.3 million in Delft Circuits Series A. Delft Circuits is a high-tech supplier in the emerging quantum industry. The investment will be used primarily to upgrade the p
#Capital_Markets #ASML #Cri #DARPA #Delft_Circuits #DTXL #Philips #PME_pension_fund #PME_pension_fund8 #RVO_Seed_Capital #RVO_Seed_Capital9 #quantumdaily
Wired: Humanoid Robots Are Coming of Age https://www.wired.com/story/fast-forward-humanoid-robots-are-coming-of-age/ #Tech #wired #TechNews #IT #Technology via @morganeogerbc #Business/ArtificialIntelligence #artificialintelligence #machinelearning #computervision #FastForward #Business #robotics #ElonMusk #robots #darpa #Tesla
#Tech #wired #technews #it #technology #business #artificialintelligence #machinelearning #computervision #FastForward #robotics #elonmusk #robots #DARPA #tesla
Ars Technica: The US Air Force successfully tested this AI-controlled jet fighter https://arstechnica.com/?p=1917540 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #ArtificialIntelligence #USAirForce #Aipilot #darpa #Cars #F-16 #USAF #AI
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #artificialintelligence #usairforce #aipilot #DARPA #cars #f #usaf #ai
Ja, #HAARP und #DARPA machen wieder die Runde und sind in den Top 10 beim 🐦.
Die Kommentare unter dem Artikel sind haarsträubend. Sie zeigen wie es mit Bildung in Deutschland steht. Wofür #HAARP und #DARPA als Ausrede genutzt wird ist zum verzweifeln. Und kommen Fakten wird abgelenkt (Corona als Biowaffe, Erdbebenblitz etc pp). Die Opfer der zwei Erdbeben kommen überhaupt nicht vor.
DARPA Collaborating With Atom Computing, Microsoft and PsiQuantum to Develop Utility-Scale Quantum Computers https://thequantuminsider.com/?p=2350302 #Quantum_Computing_Business #Research #atom_computing #DARPA #Joe_Altepeter #microsoft #opticallytrapped_ions #photonic #PsiQuantum #topological #Underexplored_Systems_for_UtilityScale_Quantum_Computing #US #US2QC #utilityscale #quantumdaily Insider Brief DARPA selected Atom Computing, Microsoft and PsiQuantum to join the Underexplored Systems for
#Quantum_Computing_Business #Research #atom_computing #DARPA #Joe_Altepeter #microsoft #opticallytrapped_ions #photonic #PsiQuantum #topological #Underexplored_Systems_for_UtilityScale_Quantum_Computing #US #US2QC #utilityscale #quantumdaily
01 Net: La DARPA veut des lunettes pour former et épauler les soldats américains https://www.01net.com/actualites/la-darpa-veut-des-lunettes-pour-former-et-epauler-les-soldats-americains.html #francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #réalitéaugmentée #arméeaméricaine #Actualités #Technos #Darpa
#francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #realiteaugmentee #armeeamericaine #actualites #Technos #DARPA
Ars Technica: NASA will join a military program to develop nuclear thermal propulsion https://arstechnica.com/?p=1912438 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #nuclearthermalpropulsion #Science #darpa #DRACO #space #NASA
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #nuclearthermalpropulsion #science #DARPA #draco #space #nasa
@seth @john Of course once gov channel is open to the public any blocks would be subject to #heightenedscrutiny for #firstamendment viols. As when #Trump was prevented fr blocking critics. #Conservative #SCOTUS, while butchering most other #civilliberties, excepts #USConstAmend1, perhaps due in part to #Scalia influence. But yes instead of gov #twitter channels, makes a lot of sense to use Mastodon instances. Gov money into the technology might trickle down too, much like #DARPA led to #www.
#heightenedscrutiny #firstamendment #trump #conservative #scotus #civilliberties #USConstAmend1 #Scalia #twitter #DARPA #www
Referenced link: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/thomas-lange-884b2b175_how-to-escape-scientific-stagnation-activity-6992460542346944512-1dmT?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios
Originally posted by Christoph Igel / @ProfIgel@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/LangeThomasF/status/1586695253196668928#m
RT by @ProfIgel: Radical innovations are in short supply. This is why we need new funding instruments—and a mental update. #DARPA #HowardHughes #excellence #freedom #innovation #deeptech https://www.linkedin.com/posts/thomas-lange-884b2b175_how-to-escape-scientific-stagnation-activity-6992460542346944512-1dmT?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios
#DARPA #HowardHughes #excellence #freedom #innovation #Deeptech
DARPA and The Linux Foundation partner to establish an open source software development collaboration ecosystem https://buff.ly/2ZyDvHQ #OpenSource #DARPA #FOSS #5G #OPS5G #LinuxFoundation
#LinuxFoundation #OPS5G #5G #foss #DARPA #opensource